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Feeling very isolated this week...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Last week, got laid at the end of the week from my most recent job contract, being Christmas holiday time, no opportunity for any other new contracts for two weeks until the first work day of January, so time off effectively...

Then barreled straight into a cold snap week, where it was difficult to even be outside for long (day time highs of -27 Celcius all week)... Just to keep my car from freezing up I did go for a drive every day along with a rather brief walk (all bundled up), and some photos... Even with some rather interesting photography, I have felt really isolated this week, way too much time at home on my own (I live on my own) and simply too little to do... There were really no projects to work on for the most part and I have been bored! Beyond bored!

In a strange way, I would have rather worked this week, even with a cold weather commute, because it would have given me something to do and to focus on...

The good news is that by tomorrow we are warming up nicely for the Christmas weekend, and for next week, when I will be able to spend far more time outside and not feel so cooped up...

Today? Snow and cold still, a friend just invited me for lunch this afternoon, a friend who sometimes drives me crazy, but I said "yes", because I have felt deprived of human contact in general this week, which has felt worse because of the weather... And these photos still don't mean my week was difficult personally :rolleyes:

Winter 03.jpg

[below] What felt like the coldest day (-28 Celcius and a very short walk in the park)

Winter 04.jpg

Some winter street photography, and cold days, I might have been the only one doing it...

Stranger Portrait 04.jpg

And, would you go ice skating at -23 Celcius?

Stranger Portrait 05.jpg
I love your photos, @Sherlock77. Thank you for sharing them.

I had plans to spend the day with my friend. Took the car to the garage instead. We've got a windchill of 33 F below, so a lot of people's cars aren't starting--the gal behind the counter at the garage kept going on about that--but my problem is a bad wheel bearing. So, here I am, sitting here with you all and my husband and trying not to fall asleep (it's only one pm). I'm a little upset I can't get out to see her; our plans for hanging out together have been thwarted for over a month now.

I have 4 days off. Tomorrow I'm home alone, all day (it's Christmas Eve), and Sunday we'll have Christmas dinner after church (for which I'll prepare some things on Sat). Then on Monday, it looks like I'm either going to have a Christmas get-together with my husband's kids (who currently don't like me--they're in their 30s), or I'm staying home. I already have plans for going in to work an hour early on Tues.

I'd love to enjoy the holiday with friends and family, but most of my family lives out of state. So I'm just staying home. I might try to write some later. It's either that or cook and clean the house.

Being on the internet isn't the same as sitting across from someone and having a face-to-face conversation. It's good that you got out a bit earlier today. Hopefully it will help you feel less isolated.
Hello Sherlock77--
You're doing a fantastic job with photography, anyway, and I hope you know everyone here loves the pictures.

Isolation is pretty bad stuff to deal with but I hope you are feeling better soon. I don't know how to really express support well--sorry-- but I have been in the similar condition of isolation before & it was not a little bit of fun at all.
Did you get laid at work?

Or laid off?
I've been working job contracts, not necessarily permanent jobs, so they eventually have an end date for various reasons... There really aren't any new ones over Christmas break for obvious reasons... I'm not too concerned about that aspect...
I worked from home Tuesday to Thursday. Not seen anyone other than coffee shop baristas.

Feeling a bit ill too. Some cold thing.

Very bored.
I've been alone in the house since December 11th... I have no idea how the last two weeks have just disappeared. I feel like I barely remember any of it. It's been so boring. I like being alone, but I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I can talk to people online or on my phone, but I feel like I'm invisible lately. I could drop dead in here and no one would even notice. My dog would be upset there's no one to take her for walks, but that's about it.
I've been alone in the house since December 11th... I have no idea how the last two weeks have just disappeared. I feel like I barely remember any of it. It's been so boring. I like being alone, but I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I can talk to people online or on my phone, but I feel like I'm invisible lately. I could drop dead in here and no one would even notice. My dog would be upset there's no one to take her for walks, but that's about it.
Meditate. I'm pretty much alone at home for few years now.
I've been alone in the house since December 11th... I have no idea how the last two weeks have just disappeared. I feel like I barely remember any of it. It's been so boring. I like being alone, but I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I can talk to people online or on my phone, but I feel like I'm invisible lately. I could drop dead in here and no one would even notice. My dog would be upset there's no one to take her for walks, but that's about it.

Meditate. I'm pretty much alone at home for few years now.

Some people respond to this better than others, I've found. I'm a hermit by nature (I can defy this tendency sometimes, especially during the holidays or when it seems worthwhile), but relative isolation is where some of us thrive the most - and if you're not like me, I suggest trying to figure out a way not to be so alone :)
Some people respond to this better than others, I've found. I'm a hermit by nature (I can defy this tendency sometimes, especially during the holidays or when it seems worthwhile), but relative isolation is where some of us thrive the most - and if you're not like me, I suggest trying to figure out a way not to be so alone :)

It's warming up today, so I plan to go for a good walk this afternoon!

There is always one good cold snap every winter, or more than one... I just thrive on going outside that's all... I do know we are all different

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