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First day of School


Well-Known Member
It's the first day of school for me tomorrow ... It's not my first ever day but my first day of sixth form (yr12 (11th grade)) and I have 7 new teachers out of 8 and I only have 1 friend, and she won't be in any of my classes.
On top of this the school schedule has changed and I am not used to this. I also don't know what's happening tomorrow (if we have lessons or just an introduction). I am extremely anxious for this and my body physically aches. What coping methods do you guys use when you are extremely anxious? Maybe these will help me or just help me get ideas.
When I was faced with new challenges like new school classes... I took with me a small toy or memento that would not be noticed by anyone... and held it in my hand... focusing on its memories... until I became acclimated into the new environment.

For me.. it was a small stuffed horse I got from a doctors office when I was a child. It sits to this day on my desk.. and I sometimes take it with me, as a grown teacher, in my briefcase when I have to meet a new class... It is good to have a familiar face, even a stuffed one, to look at sometimes..:)

I guess it was a security blanket of a sort.... but it worked for me..:)

Good luck to you!!! and congratulations on your upcoming year..:)

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