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First night last night wearing n5 nasal mask


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Just wanted to share this with you all.

At first, surprised with how comfortable it felt, but when I woke up, it felt like it was encasing my entire face and could not wait to remove it.

I usually wake up at 1 for being a sleep at 9:30 or there abouts and then, just an hour here and there, but last night, woke at 4 and then, slept again and woke at 5:27, which was great, because I get up at 5:30 now!

According to husband, I did not snore, so for day one, that is pretty good going, eh?

If I had a choice, I would not wear it, but apparently, once I get used to it, I will not want to sleep without it.
I am told that if the one that I am using does not work, that they will try another one and so forth.

Technision returns next monday to see how I have faired. Been given a book and from the machine, he will be able to determine the results, as to whether I should continue or not and then, he will write out the details in my book.

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