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First time finding out


Active Member
First finding out my son now 21 has Asperger's was tough,my husband and I learned to cope with it.He was a year old diagnosed with it,doctor saw something was up with him.Had him tested and had it.I was 24 at the time we found out.Biggest piece of advice was we got was encourage him.We have and he has grown up to have a good life.Plus we discovered something when he was 13.When we came home from going to a friend's place,came out wearing a dress of mine.We did not get angry and discovered he was a crossdresser.Doing research there is a link with some that have asperger's and autism are LGBT.We knew to support him on this.He knows we love him including our two younger daughters.
He has a fulfilling life.Has a girlfriend of 2 years that loves him for who he is.She even supports his crossdressing too.First time I saw him dressed as his female persona Laura,my daughters and I said he looked better than us in a dress and still does to this day.

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