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Fonts have gone haywire

I run in incognito mode, which makes it look a bit different. However, Chrome may have changed it's look since I no longer get updates. I got a message saying it will no longer support my machine, so therefore I will no longer receive the updates.

Sportster, you might consider using Firefox instead. To my knowledge they're still supporting XP (mostly because Chrome won't). Occasionally competition is a good thing. Go figure. At least you'd still be getting security updates pertinent to a web browser.
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Yep-completely free. Just google "download Mozilla Firefox". Get it directly from Mozilla.:)

I can't say I had any real troubles with the last few versions of Firefox when I was running XP. Ran it all the way to the April cutoff date. You might want to run as few programs in resident memory (programs that run constantly in the background) as possible though, to stretch out the 1.5 megs of RAM you have now. My old system ran adequately on that amount....not great but enough for that OS without any serious hiccups.
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It's an antique. When I opened the case, I found the manufacture date - 05/07/03. I guess by today's standard it's a museum piece.

I was running my 2002/XP machine I built right up to last year. If Microsoft would have continued to support it, I probably would still be running it right here and now. ;)

But yeah, building a new computer last year really made me see how much the hardware had changed. Far better performance on multiple levels.
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