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For me tricky things


Well-Known Member
There's a woman member of staff at the autism drop in I go to. She said she prefers the shortened version of her name so men are less likely to call her burd or hen. I could understand. She was carrying tow plastic large boxes, I asked her if I could help, not at all in a sexist way, but her vision was partially obscured I thought, and especially she was going downstairs, I hope she understood and didn't think I was being sexist
I always think offering help is a nice thing to do. I usually use a quick qualifier, like in this case, that I am concerned about her taking a messtep with limited vision.
I wouldn't feel it sexist if someone asked to help.
I just have an ego that wants to be able to do things without help, unless I absolutely can't.
Another time, I was leaving a popular UK pub chain pub after having a meal. A member of staff was right behind me as I was leaving through the door she was laughing with a customer, I don't know to laugh or not laugh in those situations.
In the autism charity drop in I attend sometimes I play pool and another service user advises me which shot to play and I feel my opponent may not like this. Also at the drop in sometimes if another service user asks me to play a question based board game another service user who isn't playing will shout out the answer.

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