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For those who are scared


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Posting some Seth:

“You cannot help yourself and you cannot help your species by identifying with your own weakness, or with the weakness of your species. When you are safe, you are safe, and you are in a position of strength and you can be in a position of tranquillity. Then you have the energy and the exuberance to think and feel clearly, and to help others.

When you are in a position of safety, you do not help by pretending that you are not safe, or by taking upon yourself the agony of others. Your reality, when you are safe, is a reality of security. From that framework you have strength, validity, grace, exuberance—additional energy that you can send out to touch the hearts and the realities of other people.

If you become so frightened of realities that are not your own, if you take upon yourselves tragedies that do not exist in your reality, in your moment, then you weaken your position and you weaken the position of those you think you are helping. You look about you and you see only hopelessness and helplessness. You organize your reality according to the tragedies of the newspapers!

The tragedies of the newspapers are symbols. Those symbols represent ‘real’ tragedies, but those tragedies do not exist in your moment unless you are participating in them.

Those who are involved in such tragedies feel a sense of hopelessness and the loss of power in the present—and you do not help them by taking on the guise of hopelessness.

What I am saying this evening is indeed simplified… but you must operate from strength, not from weakness. When you stand upon a firm shore, you can extend your arm to the man who is in quicksand. You cannot help him by leaping into the quicksand with him, for surely both of you will go down. And he will not thank you!

Whenever you look around you and say, ‘Other men are fools’; whenever you look around you and say, ‘The race is ruining itself—it is insane,’ you are doing the same thing—you are jumping into the quicksand, and you cannot help.

Organize your reality according to your strength; organize your reality according to your playfulness; according to your dreams; according to your joy; according to your hopes—and then you can help those who organize their reality according to their fears."

Really excellent. It's not saying, "Ignore the dark realities and pretend they don't exist," it's saying, "Don't be engulfed by the dark realities, or the light in you will be swallowed too."

And recognising that we can't fix everything that's wrong with the world, but that we can play our own part, in our own circle, and if collectively all of us did that...

It's saying, don't let the darkness put out your light - keep your candle flame going, it's important.

You're responsible for what you do with your own life - not for everything that's going wrong in the world. And if you realise that, letting go the impossible will free you up to do what's possible.

Be the change you want to see, etc. Make sure you wear an oxygen mask before you assist other passengers, because it will help more people, yourself included.

That's some of the things I'm reading in this.

Very good practical advice for these times. Thanks for posting! ♥
Wow, you heard me!
I was just asking, this evening, the big U to help me let go and not be so afraid. Seriously!
And here you are with a message, just right, from a different source than I am used to, so that I might pay attention to that message best. :) Thank you!
Posting some Seth:

“You cannot help yourself and you cannot help your species by identifying with your own weakness, or with the weakness of your species. When you are safe, you are safe, and you are in a position of strength and you can be in a position of tranquillity. Then you have the energy and the exuberance to think and feel clearly, and to help others.

When you are in a position of safety, you do not help by pretending that you are not safe, or by taking upon yourself the agony of others. Your reality, when you are safe, is a reality of security. From that framework you have strength, validity, grace, exuberance—additional energy that you can send out to touch the hearts and the realities of other people.

If you become so frightened of realities that are not your own, if you take upon yourselves tragedies that do not exist in your reality, in your moment, then you weaken your position and you weaken the position of those you think you are helping. You look about you and you see only hopelessness and helplessness. You organize your reality according to the tragedies of the newspapers!

The tragedies of the newspapers are symbols. Those symbols represent ‘real’ tragedies, but those tragedies do not exist in your moment unless you are participating in them.

Those who are involved in such tragedies feel a sense of hopelessness and the loss of power in the present—and you do not help them by taking on the guise of hopelessness.

What I am saying this evening is indeed simplified… but you must operate from strength, not from weakness. When you stand upon a firm shore, you can extend your arm to the man who is in quicksand. You cannot help him by leaping into the quicksand with him, for surely both of you will go down. And he will not thank you!

Whenever you look around you and say, ‘Other men are fools’; whenever you look around you and say, ‘The race is ruining itself—it is insane,’ you are doing the same thing—you are jumping into the quicksand, and you cannot help.

Organize your reality according to your strength; organize your reality according to your playfulness; according to your dreams; according to your joy; according to your hopes—and then you can help those who organize their reality according to their fears."

I like the new testaments Matthew 9:12
But when Jesus heard this, He said, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick

Source: 7 Bible verses about God As Doctor
Metallica | My Friend Of Misery:

A much rougher way of saying it. Whining about the world's problems only makes you an empty can rattling in the wind.
Metallica | My Friend Of Misery:

A much rougher way of saying it. Whining about the world's problems only makes you an empty can rattling in the wind.

But then if we took away the whining, all my fav grunge songs would be decimated. Sometimes grunge helps me feel l hit rock bottom so nowwhere to go but up.
Is this Jane Roberts channelling Seth.
While I am a believer of New Age movement, as there are many people preying on vulnerable people, calling themselves spiritual teachers.
I do believe the universe is made of energy, from a scientific/spiritual point of view, and we can "pray" to this universe, even though I am not religious.
Here is a video, it mentions "The Secret" and Esther Hicks, who claims cancer can be cured by positive thinking, yet her hubby died of it.
Is this Jane Roberts channelling Seth.

Yes, her and her husband wrote many books called the Seth material. Whilst some people claim to be followers of Seth - it isn't a religion. Simply a means to describe various systems in place and how your beliefs create your reality.

Regarding the universe, as with a lot of seth, a few paragraphs and you have a lot to mull over:

"The universe will begin yesterday. The universe began tomorrow. Both of these statements are quite meaningless. The tenses are wrong, and perhaps your time sense is completely outraged. Yet the statement: “The universe began in some distant past,” is, in basic terms, just as meaningless.

In fact, the first two statements, while making no logical sense, do indeed hint of phenomena that show time itself to be no more than a creative construct. Time and space are in a fashion part of the furniture of your universe.

The very experience of passing moments belongs to your psychological rooms in the same way that clocks are attached to your walls. Whenever science or religion seeks the origin of the universe, they search for it in the past. The universe is being created now. Creation occurs in each moment, in your terms. The illusion of time itself is being created now. It is therefore somewhat futile to look for the origins of the universe by using a time scheme that is in itself, at the very least, highly relative.

Your now, or present moment, is a psychological platform. It seems that the universe began with an initial burst of energy of some kind (the “big bang”). Evolutionists cannot account for its cause. Many religious people believe that a god exists in a larger dimension of reality, and that he created the universe while being himself outside of it. He set it into motion. Many individuals, following either persuasion, believe that regardless of its source, the [universe]1 must run out of energy. Established science is quite certain that no energy can now be created or destroyed, but only transformed (as stated in the first law of thermodynamics). Science sees energy and matter as being basically the same thing, appearing differently under varying circumstances.

In certain terms, science and religion are both dealing with the idea of an objectively created universe. Either God “made it,” or physical matter, in some unexplained manner, was formed after an initial explosion of energy, and consciousness emerged from that initially dead matter in a way yet to be explained.

Instead, consciousness formed matter. As I have said before, each atom and molecule has its own consciousness. Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation of energy into matter. In those terms, the “beginning” of your universe was a triumph in the expansion of consciousness, as it learned to translate itself into physical form. The universe emerged into actuality in the same way, but to a different degree, that any idea emerges from what you think of as subjectivity into physical expression.

The consciousness of each reader of this book existed before the universe was 'formed' (in your terms) —but that consciousness was unmanifest. Your closest approximation—and it is an approximation only—of the state of being that existed before the universe was formed is the dream state. In that state before the beginning, your consciousness existed free of space and time, aware of immense probabilities. This is extremely difficult to verbalize, yet it is very important that such an attempt be made. Your consciousness is a part of an infinitely original creative process."

Yes, her and her husband wrote many books called the Seth material. Whilst some people claim to be followers of Seth - it isn't a religion. Simply a means to describe various systems in place and how your beliefs create your reality.

Regarding the universe, as with a lot of seth, a few paragraphs and you have a lot to mull over:

"The universe will begin yesterday. The universe began tomorrow. Both of these statements are quite meaningless. The tenses are wrong, and perhaps your time sense is completely outraged. Yet the statement: “The universe began in some distant past,” is, in basic terms, just as meaningless.

In fact, the first two statements, while making no logical sense, do indeed hint of phenomena that show time itself to be no more than a creative construct. Time and space are in a fashion part of the furniture of your universe.

The very experience of passing moments belongs to your psychological rooms in the same way that clocks are attached to your walls. Whenever science or religion seeks the origin of the universe, they search for it in the past. The universe is being created now. Creation occurs in each moment, in your terms. The illusion of time itself is being created now. It is therefore somewhat futile to look for the origins of the universe by using a time scheme that is in itself, at the very least, highly relative.

Your now, or present moment, is a psychological platform. It seems that the universe began with an initial burst of energy of some kind (the “big bang”). Evolutionists cannot account for its cause. Many religious people believe that a god exists in a larger dimension of reality, and that he created the universe while being himself outside of it. He set it into motion. Many individuals, following either persuasion, believe that regardless of its source, the [universe]1 must run out of energy. Established science is quite certain that no energy can now be created or destroyed, but only transformed (as stated in the first law of thermodynamics). Science sees energy and matter as being basically the same thing, appearing differently under varying circumstances.

In certain terms, science and religion are both dealing with the idea of an objectively created universe. Either God “made it,” or physical matter, in some unexplained manner, was formed after an initial explosion of energy, and consciousness emerged from that initially dead matter in a way yet to be explained.

Instead, consciousness formed matter. As I have said before, each atom and molecule has its own consciousness. Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation of energy into matter. In those terms, the “beginning” of your universe was a triumph in the expansion of consciousness, as it learned to translate itself into physical form. The universe emerged into actuality in the same way, but to a different degree, that any idea emerges from what you think of as subjectivity into physical expression.

The consciousness of each reader of this book existed before the universe was 'formed' (in your terms) —but that consciousness was unmanifest. Your closest approximation—and it is an approximation only—of the state of being that existed before the universe was formed is the dream state. In that state before the beginning, your consciousness existed free of space and time, aware of immense probabilities. This is extremely difficult to verbalize, yet it is very important that such an attempt be made. Your consciousness is a part of an infinitely original creative process."


Well that's all baffling.

...I dont know what else to say here.
Nothing needs to be said. Just approach with an open mind, and ponder other potentials and possibilities.

I thought this thread might like this Michael Leunig cartoon.


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