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Former Restaurants/Department Stores/Urban Exploration


Well-Known Member
As you could see from the title, I am big into exploration of abandoned restaurants and Department stores and stuff like that. I look at pictures of former department stores and boarded up places. I look at pictures and blogs all the time of that kind of stuff, and I could also tell what used to be what by the architecture of the place or the location. I kind of get excited whenever I see one of those and the urge to explore inside I hold back because it's dangerous and risky. Anybody feels the same way?
Also dead malls are something that are in my interests as well. it's gaining popularity on the internet and some dead malls are becoming synonymous with Vaporwave music because of the neon and the aesthetic.
There arent many abandoned commercial complexes where I live cause we've recently had a boom in the economy due to offshore oil, I imagine they would be quite plentyful in an area like the rust belt around the mid west. It would be something that Id be interested in, maybe go in and put on some music, start a fire in an oil drum or something, lol, but im so paranoid of being chastised for wrong doing or being arrested that Id never do it.. why does everything have to be illegal.. -_-
I have ideas for movie sets that could be set inside abandoned and rundown places, like secret organization type stuff. but the health risks/asbestos/costs etc. it would be better set inside a sound stage recreation lol.
We used to go into old abandoned homes. In one, we found a bunch of gold coins. Unfortunately, that was the one day the cops caught us, and they confiscated these old coins.

Here's an entire town that has been abandoned. I guess there are quite a few of these in Florida, and I'd not be surprised to see more elsewhere.

I get the feeling somewhat, but am locked on a different era. I like exploring castles. Especially the hidden away overgrown type.
We used to go into old abandoned homes. In one, we found a bunch of gold coins. Unfortunately, that was the one day the cops caught us, and they confiscated these old coins.

Here's an entire town that has been abandoned. I guess there are quite a few of these in Florida, and I'd not be surprised to see more elsewhere.

Worst town in Florida? But its so quiet, nobody is there, must be paradise...
These kind of places fascinate me too. Years ago there was an abandoned psychiatric hospital near where I used to live and I made a montage of some photos with a background of mood music to go with it - scary stuff - some kids used to camp out there at one time but I was never brave enough. If I find it I will put it on here somewhere.
These kind of places fascinate me too. Years ago there was an abandoned psychiatric hospital near where I used to live and I made a montage of some photos with a background of mood music to go with it - scary stuff - some kids used to camp out there at one time but I was never brave enough. If I find it I will put it on here somewhere.
Was the music Aphex Twin? Lol
One thing I do like from more recent times is the architectural style known as 'Googie' (yes thats the way its spelled :D) or my favorite 'Raygun Gothic'. Often found in defunct places now, it ran from 1940s to mid 1960s. Some examples.

Raygun Gothic is a catchall term for a visual style that incorporates various aspects of the Googie, Streamline Moderne and Art Deco architectural styles when applied to retrofuturistic science fiction environments. Academic Lance Olsen has characterised Raygun Gothic as "a tomorrow that never was" (Wiki)


One thing I do like from more recent times is the architectural style known as 'Googie' (yes thats the way its spelled :D) or my favorite 'Raygun Gothic'. Often found in defunct places now, it ran from 1940s to mid 1960s. Some examples.

Raygun Gothic is a catchall term for a visual style that incorporates various aspects of the Googie, Streamline Moderne and Art Deco architectural styles when applied to retrofuturistic science fiction environments. Academic Lance Olsen has characterised Raygun Gothic as "a tomorrow that never was" (Wiki)


I find this aesthetic quite depressing, it was from a time when the future looked so much brighter..
Thanks, I figured you'd know! I couldn't tell for sure from the image because it looks a little shorter than the one an old guy in the town I grew up in had.
I have always wanted one and passed up a chance to own one when I was younger.
It too was a rag top with the correct sized aluminum tear drop camper hitched to it.
Somehow this topic reminds me of how I liked playing with my
dollhouse sometimes when I was little. Move the furniture into
different rooms: living room into the bath room, bathroom
in the kitchen maybe; kitchen in the bedroom, etc......

I liked thinking about living in a quonset hut, too.
Somehow this topic reminds me of how I liked playing with my
dollhouse sometimes when I was little. Move the furniture into
different rooms: living room into the bath room, bathroom
in the kitchen maybe; kitchen in the bedroom, etc......

I liked thinking about living in a quonset hut, too.

Its not too late. They still make them! ;) (Steel Master Building Systems)

Ironically, I was just watching The Florida Project. It showed a lot of rundown and abandoned places throughout the scenes.

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