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Freaking out because I have to go out

Thats where you are at, and maybe it's a normal reaction to abnormal pressures for an Autistic person.

To clarify, the only thing I gently talk myself into doing is work, only so that I can mantain my independence. With family and friends I do it very rarely.
Also, I'm never gentle with my self talk.
All I repeat to myself is "Stop being lazy.You can do it. You did it before. You're just a lazy bum..."
All I repeat to myself is "Stop being lazy.You can do it. You did it before. You're just a lazy bum..."
I think this is where knowing about and recognizing autism can help alleviate some of the stress that can come from living with it in oblivion. We can change the script of the inner voice from what you described to something more helpful.

Stop being lazy. ----> I'm wanting rest because I am overstimulated and it takes a great effort to face sensory and social stimuli day after day.

You can do it. ----> I can do it, but it will take a toll and I will need to find calm and quiet and something to recharge once I am done.

You did it before. ----> I know I've done this before. If I must, I will, but maybe I can do things differently this time.

You're just a lazy bum... ----> Life with autism can be difficult and I am learning ways to manage, but some things are just overwhelming for my brain. I'm trying my best.

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