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Frustrating in not understanding emotions


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For years, I have not liked my second sister and my husband reasoned that it was not her fault that she received a lot of attention as a child, which I had no choice but to agree and it was only recently, that it hit me, why I dislike her so much.

Because of her lying about me, I had to endure not being believed about molestation as a child. She told me on the phone that she was going to lie that I had been abused, because she hated that I went to the police and so, I spent many years, WANTING to remember the abuse, as I felt a fraud, despite the male birth parent, admitting it, off record, that he had molested me, but I was the most timid out of my siblings.

I had to face that man in court, as the judge read out what he had done to us. I had him staring at me all the time, which was horrific. The judge even said: it is quite obvious that you love your children; but you show it in an inappropriate way and it was even in the local newspaper.

I was used as a plea bargaining. As long as he denied having abused me, but admitted to abusing my siblings, he got a lighter sentance of..... 6 months!

This is all the doing of my second sibling, who once said to me ( due to me defending her a lot as a child) that she will never forget my kindness to her and if ever I need her help, she would be there and that one time, I needed it, she caused me a living nightmare.

Based on my consistant account of the abuse, social workers believed me in the end and one encouraged me to request compensation. I did not want to, because no amount of money, could erase the pain of what those parents put me through. But, in the end, I did send off and was denied at first, because of inconclusive evidence. However, something was found and I did receive a little money.

My second sister, who consistantly rebuffed me, when she found out that I had received a little money ( I did not tell her), she then said: well, I deserve some too and she got a lot more, because she is like that! Very confident and can make people believe she is the nicest person in the world.

To be honest, there is a lot more, but this is the first time, I have gone into a lot of private details.
It is sad to hear your story, especially the betrayal by a parent. I am also sad at the level of sexual abuse in this community, especially directed at women. Are we as a society so dysfunctional that people use something which I think is a positive berween two consenting people and perverted it into a selfish act without regard for others?
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Wow. I confronted my abuser and was told l was craycray. I prepared myself for their denial. One family member betrayed my confidence and told the entire family. They were shamed and moved away which points to their guilt in my mind. I was afraid to let my daughter stay as a young child alone with then. We stayed on the their boat with my daughter unattended in another room. My spouse went and put her in our bed and he slept out there. There was no reason for us to sleep on the boat. It was stupid. My one family member thinks l lied about this traumatic thing. As a person who tells the truth, you are considered a liar when you let someone know. My grandmother was the only one that knew it happened at that time l was going thru it. I went to her when it was happening. Thank God she was there. It was so traumatic. It happen during high school, then l was kicked out at 17 years old for something that wasn't my fault. I was told l was the problem, but l think my mom suspected something and threw me under the bus.

It's tough to go through. It sounds that your abuse was way worse because of your very young age. It's great that you went forward. It definitely leaves scars for life.
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Wow. I confronted my abuser and was told l was craycray. I prepared myself for their denial. One family member betrayed my confidence and told the entire family. They were shamed and moved away which points to their guilt in my mind. I was afraid to let my daughter stay as a young child alone with then. We stayed on the their boat with my daughter unattended in another room. My spouse went and put her in our bed and he slept out there. There was no reason for us to sleep on the boat. It was stupid. My one family member thinks l lied about this traumatic thing. As a person who tells the truth, you are considered a liar when you let someone know. My grandmother was the only one that knew it happened at that time l was going thru it. I went to her when it was happening. Thank God she was there. It was so traumatic. It happen during high school, then l was kicked out at 17 years old for something that wasn't my fault. I was told l was the problem, but l think my mom suspected something and threw me under the bus.

It's tough to go through. It sounds that your abuse was way worse because of your very young age. It's great that you went forward. It definitely leaves scars for life.
Stay strong. I have great respect for you.
I am so sorry. I firmly believe that sexual predators both belong in, and end up in, the hottest part of hell. There is too much mutilation of the spirit and soul for me to believe otherwise.
I am so sorry. I firmly believe that sexual predators both belong in, and end up in, the hottest part of hell. There is too much mutilation of the spirit and soul for me to believe otherwise.

My abuser died of cancer. It was a relief. I didn't wish him harm but l couldn't see my mother. I just seem to know when it was safe to see her again, like l knew there was nothing to worry about anymore.

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