For years, I have not liked my second sister and my husband reasoned that it was not her fault that she received a lot of attention as a child, which I had no choice but to agree and it was only recently, that it hit me, why I dislike her so much.
Because of her lying about me, I had to endure not being believed about molestation as a child. She told me on the phone that she was going to lie that I had been abused, because she hated that I went to the police and so, I spent many years, WANTING to remember the abuse, as I felt a fraud, despite the male birth parent, admitting it, off record, that he had molested me, but I was the most timid out of my siblings.
I had to face that man in court, as the judge read out what he had done to us. I had him staring at me all the time, which was horrific. The judge even said: it is quite obvious that you love your children; but you show it in an inappropriate way and it was even in the local newspaper.
I was used as a plea bargaining. As long as he denied having abused me, but admitted to abusing my siblings, he got a lighter sentance of..... 6 months!
This is all the doing of my second sibling, who once said to me ( due to me defending her a lot as a child) that she will never forget my kindness to her and if ever I need her help, she would be there and that one time, I needed it, she caused me a living nightmare.
Based on my consistant account of the abuse, social workers believed me in the end and one encouraged me to request compensation. I did not want to, because no amount of money, could erase the pain of what those parents put me through. But, in the end, I did send off and was denied at first, because of inconclusive evidence. However, something was found and I did receive a little money.
My second sister, who consistantly rebuffed me, when she found out that I had received a little money ( I did not tell her), she then said: well, I deserve some too and she got a lot more, because she is like that! Very confident and can make people believe she is the nicest person in the world.
To be honest, there is a lot more, but this is the first time, I have gone into a lot of private details.
Because of her lying about me, I had to endure not being believed about molestation as a child. She told me on the phone that she was going to lie that I had been abused, because she hated that I went to the police and so, I spent many years, WANTING to remember the abuse, as I felt a fraud, despite the male birth parent, admitting it, off record, that he had molested me, but I was the most timid out of my siblings.
I had to face that man in court, as the judge read out what he had done to us. I had him staring at me all the time, which was horrific. The judge even said: it is quite obvious that you love your children; but you show it in an inappropriate way and it was even in the local newspaper.
I was used as a plea bargaining. As long as he denied having abused me, but admitted to abusing my siblings, he got a lighter sentance of..... 6 months!
This is all the doing of my second sibling, who once said to me ( due to me defending her a lot as a child) that she will never forget my kindness to her and if ever I need her help, she would be there and that one time, I needed it, she caused me a living nightmare.
Based on my consistant account of the abuse, social workers believed me in the end and one encouraged me to request compensation. I did not want to, because no amount of money, could erase the pain of what those parents put me through. But, in the end, I did send off and was denied at first, because of inconclusive evidence. However, something was found and I did receive a little money.
My second sister, who consistantly rebuffed me, when she found out that I had received a little money ( I did not tell her), she then said: well, I deserve some too and she got a lot more, because she is like that! Very confident and can make people believe she is the nicest person in the world.
To be honest, there is a lot more, but this is the first time, I have gone into a lot of private details.