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Fuzzy user names

Is there a way that should be less harder on the eyes?
Of course this is actually better if we as members want to stand out.
I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking we should have a theme how the site was before, then with minor mods like this is applied is to a new theme. So people have a greater choice.
I was wondering what was funny about the names. Not a fuzziness fan, since you ask.
I was worried it was my screen.. didn't realise it was an effect :D.. how about a grey drop-shadow, bottom left?
I thought it was my eyes too at first. Scrolling up and down this page I'm sort of getting used to it, but it's doesn't help with readability.

Now when it comes to distracting things that stand out, I think I'll give a round avatar a try; see how it goes. :)
Seems to have been adjusted, as it looks a bit better now...or maybe I'm imagining things? And gonzerd I dig the round avatar. :)
I'm not a "fuzzy" fan either. A name should be easy to read. There are other ways and other places to get arty about typography, and making your name hard to read makes me disinclined to read. Or take the poster seriously. I enjoyed typography, and it helps when it's done well.
I quite like the fuzziness but if it's a problem for others, I'd rather it went back to how it was, for their sake.
Is there a way that should be less harder on the eyes?
Of course this is actually better if we as members want to stand out.

It's about the edge contrast: text is easier to read if there's the highest contrast between letter and ground, given that "glare" is controlled. The fuzziness reduces the edge contrast, making the text harder to read for those of us with aging eyes. And it looks like what happens if there's a problem with the eye, or with dirty glasses. That's all. (Different is not always better. I once knew an admin who insisted on sending emails with purple text and pink backgrounds until her boss ordered her to stop.)
Maybe the Moderator Gods needed the Halo...effect :p

Sorry could resist :rolleyes: I have no opinion both looked nice to me... do whatever makes you all happy. :D

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