Personally, I have a combination of issues.
1. I struggle with my timing as to when to jump in and jump out of the conversation. I am either jumping in at the same time as someone else, causing an awkward "stumble" in the conversation,...both trying to be polite with each other, but both frustrated with the interaction,...or someone trying to talk over me and interrupt me mid-thought which just pisses me off.
2. When people do allow me to elaborate,...then it seems like a lecture and not a conversation,...and people simply want out of situation and leave.
3. I get immediately put off by emotional statements during a logical discussion and sometimes I don't hide my facial and body expressions well,...which pisses them off.
4. I use direct language which can be either funny...or rude, depending upon the situation.
5. I either know much more about a topic than the rest of the group, and don't know when to stop talking about it and moving on with the conversation,...or,...I know nothing about the topic and am mute,...and eventually get bored and leave.
6. If I flip into an emotional mood, loosing control of my composure,...the "F-bombs" start spewing out of my mouth and can turn people off.
7. I am an out-of-the-box thinker and will often verbalize ideas that cause people to pause, become momentarily quiet,...then will flip the conversation away from the topic as a means of inhibiting me to elaborate further. It's not that they were "crazy" ideas,'s just that I read ALOT of information and am typically about 10-15 years ahead of the current standards of practice. Many of my ideas ARE standard of practice now,...just not at the time that I presented them.
8. My verbal skills lag significantly behind by writing skills. I can pause and think through what I am going to write,...but in conversation, I can't do this without someone interrupting me. In fact, I think its part of the reason why I write with those pauses, as well, i.e. "...", also called a "caesura".