Nerdling (Fledgling nerd)
ever since i was little, i would instantly get infatuated with a topic and then be able to talk about it for hours. for example, when i was 12 years old i loved bird-watching, owls in particular. i would drone on and on and on about owls, and soon my grade seven class hated me. i couldn't control it, owls where the only thing i could speak about. whenever i had a chance to talk, my wealth of knowledge took over and i couldn't stop myself. sometimes getting stuck would lead into a meltdown, because i might fixate on something i couldn't have. now i get stuck on a range of topics, but i still can't talk about anything outside of that. if i add a new topic to my range, i will lecture about that topic until someone tells me to stop talking, then i'll go on to another one. i've driven many away, and i've killed many conversations by reciting useless facts. sometimes i tell people things i've told them before, and recite past conversations because i can't remember i said that. does anyone else get stuck in this way? and if you had, has it had a negative impact on trying to make friends, or any other relationships?