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I get them too, thought it was a rat hackers back pulse overloading the portals... but going after video media plugins seems to clear it up, if you want to test this go to task manager by hitting Ctrl +Shift+Escape select aplications, select a plugin and hit end prosses button...the effect is for one session, see if it helps, I think spam is being broadcast through plugins.
I get them too, thought it was a rat hackers back pulse overloading the portals... but going after video media plugins seems to clear it up, if you want to test this go to task manager by hitting Ctrl +Shift+Escape select aplications, select a plugin and hit end prosses button...the effect is for one session, see if it helps, I think spam is being broadcast through plugins.
Okay, thanks Maelstrom. It stopped happening a while ago but in case it happens again I'll copy this and put it on my notes for future use. :)
Okay, thanks Maelstrom. It stopped happening a while ago but in case it happens again I'll copy this and put it on my notes for future use. :)

If you don't have the plugin name thing let me know I'll look it up a german firm gives a free downlode on that. Mine gets so bad sometimes it crashes my whole system, Centurylink video stories seem to be the infection source, other places may do that too.
I have been disabling my Adobie? video online program, and my 3 firefox online plugins to stop that, using task manager end process, hit ctrl+shift+Esc to pull it up and go to applications add see all applications. Now I just got hit with one, missed a plugin. I'm not sure but I'm begining to thing these are sabitoge hacks to force people to buy upgrades they seem to be looped to crash onboard memory and they are looping past the flag blocks which is a ilegal hack to override consent rules. In my opinion a fair amount of systemic hacking is going on against older computers and softwares to force new sales. My presonal opinion is Microsoft is somehow up to their necks in this, and are actively holding the floodgates open on remote desk hacks. I plan to purge them one of these days permanently on all fronts, this sort of marketing is unGodly.

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