This topic people don't discuss much about the actual topic. I mysef don't want to speak about my situation personally in here unless asked and if you want to read about my situation you can scroll down to my post on my journey with my faith. This is not about that. This is short. We are all just trying to get by and any Holy Spirit gifts is not our doing and cannot be attritubuted to us and if some people were doing it may get pear shaped and I would run away from that. Obviously people who work in the church can call themselves names, me i'm just Rachel with conditions who is walking with her faith in a very up and down path. Mercy can extend to the unwell as well.
I took this post to say this as I stumbled on it as I was writing but want to move away from my post, and this it is not about the topic as such. It is short. On writing mine I thought gift of sight seemed to be nothing but a modern day invention as I found no Biblical basis for it. It is called the gift of vision or prophecy. I shy away a bit from modern day inventions or is it so or not. I am not sure about this one more though and I am keen to learn, 2e gift. Is this the gifts of the Holy Spirit or not. I haven't read about it to be honest. Supernatural is a snatch as well to grab attention and when I writing my story I had to to avoid using it not to disturb Christians who these modern day things may sit not well with. I like stuff like this, but even me jumped when I saw it on someones website whether I was safe reading it as a Christian. Then I realised it was to snatch viewers draw them in.
It was very interesting to read that Justin Webly head of Anglican church in England speaks in tongues in his prayer, incredible and such progress in the church. If you want to read on the Holy Spirit gifts you read the Book of Corintihans 1:12.
Feel free to discuss the Holy Spirit gifts if you want, you can take over the post lol. though. day-says-archbishop-of-canterbury
I took this post to say this as I stumbled on it as I was writing but want to move away from my post, and this it is not about the topic as such. It is short. On writing mine I thought gift of sight seemed to be nothing but a modern day invention as I found no Biblical basis for it. It is called the gift of vision or prophecy. I shy away a bit from modern day inventions or is it so or not. I am not sure about this one more though and I am keen to learn, 2e gift. Is this the gifts of the Holy Spirit or not. I haven't read about it to be honest. Supernatural is a snatch as well to grab attention and when I writing my story I had to to avoid using it not to disturb Christians who these modern day things may sit not well with. I like stuff like this, but even me jumped when I saw it on someones website whether I was safe reading it as a Christian. Then I realised it was to snatch viewers draw them in.
It was very interesting to read that Justin Webly head of Anglican church in England speaks in tongues in his prayer, incredible and such progress in the church. If you want to read on the Holy Spirit gifts you read the Book of Corintihans 1:12.
Feel free to discuss the Holy Spirit gifts if you want, you can take over the post lol. though. day-says-archbishop-of-canterbury
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