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Going to change the design

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Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
Just a warning to all that we will be changing the design of Aspies Central very soon.

There are multiple reasons for this change. The first is that the current design is buggy and the floating bar at the bottom is causing some problems on certain platforms/browsers. In addition, the main index page can be confusing for members as it isn't designed like a traditional forum layout that many of us are used to. Finally, we will need a design that is compatible with the upcoming mods that are due to be installed at some point in the near future.

Do not worry though, the current design will still be here and available for all members to choose if they do not want to move to the new design.
Hopefully the new design should be slightly better, if you wanted to however change back, you can however change the themes at the bottom of the page. :D
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