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Goodbye my friends


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I'm not finding much to smile about these days. The harsh reality of what I am and what the world expects of me is exhausting. With one foot in here, with you all, and the other in an NT dominated real, it's tearing me apart. It would seem that accepting one's self, and reconciling one's deficits, doesn't take the form that all approve of. The more time I spend in here, the more I want change in my own life, but the reality is, I'm trapped in a world that won't tolerate this type of transformation. It is a complicated situation, where I'm better off living in ignorant bliss, than trying to practice the discipline of self awareness and development . It is for this reason, this will be my last post. For those of you who I've given advice to, view it objectively, as I've been unable to live by much of it myself. Please don't give up hope, because of my shortcomings, as there as some really wonderfully insightful people here, each with something to offer you. Ill miss you guys and gals, but this is the only way I can live my life, without expecting something that will always be just beyond my reach. You never know, something may change, in which case I may reappear, but I can't see it happening any time soon.
Goodbye for now my friends.
I find it unfortunate for you that you are where you are today...a crossroads of uncertainty and confusion...take a timeout and regroup your thoughts

Please never give up hope for better days...they do come

Life on this planet should not be a battle and sometimes a fight is best avoided at any cost,even if it means bowing out to make changes that satisfy you

Good luck with everything and hope to see your return here soon
We'll miss you but remember where we are. I'm sure you will always be welcome if you ever want to drop in at any time. Be safe !
Dear Turk, I am really sad for you, I have lighted a candle as I believe that the light and warmth it gives will somehow find its way to you.

Be safe and I hope we will hear from you again sometime.

I am sorry to hear that you are living for now. Sometimes this world appears to us in many colors, like a mirror of confusion. We can try to make a change, to make it a better place for us to live. I really hope that you will make it and feel a real change inside of you, an enlightenment. I wish you good luck with everything you will achieve in the future.
Take care of yourself and you know where you can find us.
Hey Turk, I'm so sorry for your pain - I think most of us here know it very well indeed! I won't annoy you with any of the endless platitudes NT's keep spouting because they never helped me. I have found though that it's cyclic; sometimes better, sometimes worse.
So I'll be keeping an eye out for you.. take care mate!
Though I cannot relate to your struggle, I do hope things get better for you.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts the short time I've been here.
Sad to see you go. Life will always be a struggle and there are many ways to cope. I respect the path you have chosen. We all must face what is on our plate in the best way possible. I have made the decision to face the world Head On, and if they don't like it, they can suck it! I am who I am. I keep thinking that if my differences were physical rather than emotional, I would not have the choice to blend in. The world should be more accepting of differences, and the more differences there are, the more it will become normal to be different.
I hope things get better for you and that you feel comfortable returning some day. Take care my friend, and remember where we are.
So... with who do I need to chat now? (well there are some) though I always found our chats in the chatroom funny and a good way to put things in perspective through some humor.

Though I can't stop you from leaving, nor can I put myself in your shoes and I suppose you ultimately know what's best for you. As others said; you know where to find us. So perhaps we'll run into each other again in the future if you ever decide to get back here.

Take care man.
The more time I spend in here, the more I want change in my own life, but the reality is, I'm trapped in a world that won't tolerate this type of transformation.
Then you know what you have to do: make it so that you're not trapped. I don't think things are really as bad as they may seem right now. Nothing matters as much as the fact that you accept you. Some people may not understand, or want to understand, but you are who you are, and you're embracing it. Don't let fear dictate how you live your life.
Sorry to see you go. I hope that things will improve for you Turk
Best wishes
I've really appreciated and benefited from your posts and insights. Like the biblical prophets...sometimes wisdom comes at great personal cost. I hope you find your way through. Peace...
Sorry that you felt a need to go. I've read some of your posts and it sounds like we are dealing with similar issues.

I hope you find the peace and balance that you need.

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