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Grammar Nazis?


Well-Known Member
Anyone here get hugely annoyed when someone else uses bad grammar, or mispronounces something? I always feel the urge to correct them. It just gnaws away at the inside of my soul or something. Lol I just hate it. My boyfriend says "video game council" and "jalapeno" (without the tilde on the N).I correct him all the time but it doesn't seem to sink in. If I misspell or mispronounce something, I seriously beat myself up about it. I don't like being hypocritical.
I think there are worse sins in the world to crusade against than mispronunciation.

By the way, it's "LOL" not "lol" and every time someone writes (or worse says) it without actually laughing I die a little more inside.
However, based on your original question, I have the tendency to have quite decent grammar and expect the same from others; I don't get offended though.
It depends on the setting for me. In a forum like this, where people from all around the world particpate (and therefore English is not everybodies first language), as long as I understand what they're saying, the grammar doesn't bother me.

It annoys me to no end when it is a marketing campaign, or a published text that get the spelling wrong. In fact the calendar on my desk right now has a picture of a butterfly with the caption "Butteryfly resting on a flower". It annoyed me enough I took a photo and texted it.

This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse. There are a few people on this forum who correct poor grammar, and when they do it to me, it makes me feel embarrased. I'm sorry Alexa you've been offended by the first response. Unfortunately it reads as though he's just done to you what you were likely to do to other people. This may or may not have been the case though.
I just don't get the point of commenting on anything if it isn't relevant to you and if all you have is negativity to say. The difference between the vegetable and I, is I don't go out of my way to correct anyone, and I don't try to make the person feel stupid. If someone types/says something to me directly, that is when I am inclined to politely correct them. But if it has nothing to do with me, it still bothers me, but I let it pass. By Turnips response, he makes me feel like I SHOULD be embarrassed by my strange attributes. But thank you for your kind words and concern Christy!

But yes, typos in published text bother me as well. I just don't see how things like that can get past so many people!
The funniest one I've heard of was a report released to the public by my former boss. It was titled "Public Consultation", but on the front cover they left out the "l".
The funniest one I've heard of was a report released to the public by my former boss. It was titled "Public Consultation", but on the front cover they left out the "l".

I think now, according to Turnip, would be the correct time for me to say LOL....because I actually did :D

Although, whenever I see someone type 'LOL' I just visualize them yelling it like a Tourettes episode or something. Not sure why haha
As an Australian, we butcher the English language, in the form of slang, that test grammar Nazis's to the limit. Ive mellowed a little, these days, growing up in this environment. There was a time that every abbreviation or made up word, cut like a knife
I try not to correct what someone types online, it is never taken well in my experience. However there are some nonsensical use of words in speech which are like nails down a blackboard for me. The worst is something that is becoming more prevalent, especially here in Southern England. That is the use of the the word 'Of' instead of 'Have'. i.e. I should of gone to the shops earlier...

Even my wife, who is highly intelligent has started doing it. It drives me to distraction!
Well, this thread is perfect for me! I have the ability to pick out spelling and grammar mistakes in everything, and I can't turn it off. The most I can do is suppress the urge to correct people because most would find it rude.

between the vegetable and I
Actually, it's "between the vegetable and me."

That is the use of the the word 'Of' instead of 'Have'. i.e. I should of gone to the shops earlier...
Even my wife, who is highly intelligent has started doing it. It drives me to distraction!
If people are writing out "should of" when they mean "should've," then yes, that's a problem, but there's nothing wrong with using contractions in speech. I suspect that is what your wife is doing.
Well, this thread is perfect for me! I have the ability to pick out spelling and grammar mistakes in everything, and I can't turn it off. The most I can do is suppress the urge to correct people because most would find it rude.

Actually, it's "between the vegetable and me."

If people are writing out "should of" when they mean "should've," then yes, that's a problem, but there's nothing wrong with using contractions in speech. I suspect that is what your wife is doing.

No, they really are saying 'Of' and indeed are writing it.
Okay, but how can you tell the difference by ear? The whole reason "should of" and its ilk exist is because "should've" sounds much like "should of." I guess there must be enough of a pause in speech to indicate that your wife is using "of."
YES, YES, YES. The grammar (and punctuation and usage) police are always watching. Misspellings, improper usage, punctuation errors. Part and parcel of this condition. However, it does lead to an interest in English verse, good writing and communications.
Well, I wouldn't say that all people with ASD are obsessed with proper grammar and usage. But I certainly am. :P
I try not to correct what someone types online, it is never taken well in my experience. However there are some nonsensical use of words in speech which are like nails down a blackboard for me. The worst is something that is becoming more prevalent, especially here in Southern England. That is the use of the the word 'Of' instead of 'Have'. i.e. I should of gone to the shops earlier...

Even my wife, who is highly intelligent has started doing it. It drives me to distraction!
How about "enough of?" It almost makes me wet my pants.
In what context? There's no inherent problem with "enough of" by itself.

Ex: "I've had enough of this."
For me, discomfort due to poor English, slang, misspelling and mispronunciation cause real distress. I don't believe it is any different from the stress those of you with AS experience with uncomfortable clothes. I can't prevent myself from reacting with a flinch when I notice any mistake. Every grammar, punctuation and pronunciation lesson that was ever taught to me in school is like a decree from God. However, I remain a terrible speller. I never send anything without using a spell checker. I think my poor spelling may be due to being taught to read phonetically. With the "see, say, hear" method of teaching reading the reader recognizes the "look" of the word. These people often don't do well with multisyllabic words that are unfamiliar to them. I am very seldom corrected regarding my use of English and when I do make a mistake, I am grateful to have that error pointed out to me, as long as it is done gently. My agonizing need for perfection in language is definitely one of my many very uncomfortable AS traits. It is inconceivable to me that, once an error is pointed out to a speaker/writer, that person doesn't immediately make every effort to become correct. I do wonder if the quality of teaching in the US may have declined since I was in school (I was born in '44.) I recall endless drills regarding the differences of homonyms like to, too and two. HAlloween is not hollow. FebRuary isn't Feb-you-ary. PuMPkin has only one N. I could write for hours about all the mispronunciations and grammar mistakes I am forced to suffer every day. I am an ISTJ Aspie and poor English is a constant, painful irritation to me. I am grammar witch!

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