Imperfectly Perfect
Does anyone else work a graveyard shift? I work the 12:00am - 8:00am shift and always thought I would dread it. Turns out, I like it very much. Being a security guard on the graveyard shift positively rocks! I guess since I do better with darkness, this is a good fit for me. I get the last bus downtown and the first bus back home. I especially like that it is dark and cold. I love touring the grounds of the abandoned buildings and it is especially cool in a full moon. It's almost as if I feel the most peace when I am at work. It is just me and the world.
The security company I work for is testing a new technology that makes the graveyard shift a snap. We wear a small tracking device on our belts that records everywhere we've been. At the end of the shift, we simply connect the device to the computer and print and sign our daily logs. I guess it is also big brotherish but all I have to do is print out, sign, and go home. I hope things stay this way for some time. I volunteered to work on Christmas and New Years. Less lonely that way.
The security company I work for is testing a new technology that makes the graveyard shift a snap. We wear a small tracking device on our belts that records everywhere we've been. At the end of the shift, we simply connect the device to the computer and print and sign our daily logs. I guess it is also big brotherish but all I have to do is print out, sign, and go home. I hope things stay this way for some time. I volunteered to work on Christmas and New Years. Less lonely that way.