Hello to everyone here. My name is Guen and i am 29 years old. I was diagnosed with asberger syndrome from a very young age and many males in my family are also aspies, my father included. My mother is a malignant narcissist and always used my diagnosis as a tool of abuse, to point out i am a freak, a monster and i will never make friends. After leaving my house to study i self-researched and realized that i have PTSD and periodically anxiety and depression because of her abuse. I have been having relationships with neurotypical men since 17 and all of them turned disasterous. They were never able to understand me or accept me and we ended up breaking in very bad terms. I have 2 friends who are not diagnosed but seem to be aspies too. Studying at university for the second time since my first degree proved to be something i am not interested at all. After a lifetime of bullying and abuse i have tremendous difficulty trusting and being close to other people. I never learnt how to cope with meltdowns (till recently i didn't know there is a term for that, i thought it was just me being insane) and i am tired of trying to make normal people understand. I came here hoping to make friends and to learn more about this syndrome and how to cope efficiently in everyday life. Please guide me to useful resources and material or share any techniques that work for you.
I am looking very forward to get to know you and talk to you. ))
I am looking very forward to get to know you and talk to you. ))