So my old lithium ion house battery finally died. This is the big battery that powers everything in my off grid home. A week ago it just quit recharging. So on Wednesday I drove to my mom's in Sacramento, stayed overnight, then Thursday I drove to Reno to the battery company to buy a new battery (they gave me a 7% discount fior buying it directly from them so they don't have to pay for shipping), drove back to Sacramento the same day, stayed overnight at my mom's, then early Friday I drove back. I was so exhausted I didn't install the battery until this morning (Saturday). Why did I buy a battery from the same company, well the issues I had were not their fault, I misused the battery and caused the onboard computer (inside the battery) to fail. They manufacture all their own batteries in a big warehouse on the south edge of Reno, so basically it's buying direct from the manufacturer. Nevada has America's only active lithium mine, in central-western Nevada near Tonopah, so this company uses locally sourced lithium. (Tesla has a battery Gigafactory near Reno,. at Storey County Industrial Park close to Fernley. Nevada attracts lithium battery makers due to the mine.) So I've been offline for a few days, but I'm back.