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Had two former classmates apologize to me yesterday


Active Member
I had two former classmates apologize to me.Back in middle school,I was teased and picked on a lot by them because of my asperger's.This was in the 7th grade and it hurt.They moved after that school year.Found out what they did to me was a huge regret in their life and bit them in the butt.We met up yesterday and I was nervous thinking what they were going to do to me.Both came up and surprised me.Said they were not going to hurt me.Said what they did to me was a regret and bit them in the butt.Finally apologized to me for what they did to me in the past being emotional.I was too and told them I forgive them.There was a group hug as well.
Wow! Savor that! You may never hear about it happening again.
I wouldn't be afraid on encountering my former bullies (I wasn't afraid back in the day- I just didn't like them). I would be civil if they spoke to me. But I wouldn't have any time or attention to give them. I would be pleasantly astounded by an apology, but I'd pass on hugs. I'm still touch averse.
Sorry to hear you went thru this. Not sure how l would have reacted to them approaching me. Great job.
What a wonderful thing to experience!!

I think the brilliant part is their admission that they suffered for it. That means they have actually matured since then. One might think that everyone matures. Unfortunately, I know a lot of adults that are still delinquent bullies.

I was bullied a lot in school as well. Disappointingly, my greatest bullies were the teachers and school staff. Never any apologies from any of them.
Had two former classmates apologize to me yesterday.
Sometimes, I wish that former classmates would apologize to me; but then, I also wonder if their apologies would be for my sake (to relieve the trauma they inflicted on me) or for their sake (to relieve the guilt they earned for themselves).

The point may be moot. I will not attend the upcoming 50th reunion because it is too far to travel (I live in another country now), and there will be no one there with whom I want to 'reunite' -- no childhood sweetheart, no prom date, no BFFs -- only bigots, bullies, and snobs.

Besides, most of the bullies have died (mostly through risky behavior) and the principal never apologized for what he did to me.

Not whining here, not fishing for sympathy or attention, either. This is just how it is with me.
I will not attend the upcoming 50th reunion because it is too far to travel (I live in another country now), and there will be no one there with whom I want to 'reunite' -- no childhood sweetheart, no prom date, no BFFs -- only bigots, bullies, and snobs.
I have never attended any reunions for the same reasons. I graduated in 1972.
I had two former classmates apologize to me.Back in middle school,I was teased and picked on a lot by them because of my asperger's.This was in the 7th grade and it hurt.They moved after that school year.Found out what they did to me was a huge regret in their life and bit them in the butt.We met up yesterday and I was nervous thinking what they were going to do to me.Both came up and surprised me.Said they were not going to hurt me.Said what they did to me was a regret and bit them in the butt.Finally apologized to me for what they did to me in the past being emotional.I was too and told them I forgive them.There was a group hug as well.

i was too,by a girl no less,i may have seen her again 8 years ago,i haven't seen her since :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:
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Honestly if anyone who bullied me in high school tried to apologize to me, I’d reject it and tell them to their face that it’s too late for any apologies and that they had their chance 20 years ago when they were tormenting me and throwing garbage at me and hitting me because I refused to talk to them because they didn’t respect me and I didn’t think that I should respect them either if that’s how they wanted to treat me and call me that extremely offensive nickname and constantly told me “Shut up! No one cares!” every single time I tried to be social and say something and that they don’t deserve anything from me and if they think anything that they do now will ever make me want to accept any “apology” from them and “forgive” then they should go f*&$ themselves in the @$$ with a rusty pipe and then come see me after they do that. Sorry for being so graphic at the last part but I am not some idiot that will accept an apology from people who continually abused and mistreated me. If they were trying to apologize for a substance abuse recovery group, tough $&*# for them. I’m someone that does not forgive who mistreat me badly and I’m satisfied seeing them struggle mentally and emotionally from guilt and knowing the fact that someone they tried to make amends with refuses to accept any apology from them. They didn’t care one bit about what I had thought or wanted back then so why should they expect me to give them what they want now?

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