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Hammer toe and flat feet


Leader of the otaku legion!
Hi i have hammer toe and flat feet and my gf has the same kinda feet, were both on the spectrum, i wonder if its common to have hammertoe and flat feet on the spectrum. I get self conscious about my feet but my gf tells me i have beautiful feet.
I have pretty bad flat feet. No hammer toe, but I’ve got bunions! Well, one now. I had one removed when I was 17 due to how painful it was.

My brother, who is also on the spectrum, also has flat feet and bunions.
I had flat feet into adolescence but I suddenly "grew" arches. At the time my parents and I thought it was actually a religious miracle. I thought that for most of my life. Recently I read that it's actually a common thing for kids to be flat footed and then develop arches during childhood as a regular process of development. I wore guaranteed "bully magnet" corrective shoes in grade school because of a very abnormal gait and flat feet.

Hammer toes. Yes. Apparently there's a genetic component to hammer toes, but I'm convinced I got mine because I didn't think to verbalize to my mom that my shoes were too small for me whenever I'd outgrow them. So I'd wear shoes until they'd fall apart rather than get too small. I would just curl up my toes to fit in my shoes and just walked around that way all the time until I'd finally get a new pair of shoes. Then when those got too small, same thing; curl up my toes...
I am very flat-footed and also have big feet bigger (Size 16 - I tell people I'm still waiting to grow into them). Sadly, it seems to be the one thing all my children have inherited from me. My oldest son had to have reconstructive surgery because his feet were worse than mine.

I don't think it's associated with ASD, but I think you'll find a cross-section of members of this forum who can relate.
I also had flat feet & currently have rather big feet. I wear size 11's American but I used to wear 12's.

Also used to have arch supports & that was one of those weird things; I saw some of my own medical paperwork at the age of 6 or 7 and was like "wait, no way are they deformed, I was fine the way I was made." Well, yeah. They were flat. I walked around barefooted & went slap slap slap everywhere I went.

Best thing I could do was to grow up & buy old hightop derby boots. They give me plenty of ankle support, look great, feel great, and last. Also, since they have a heel on them, this helps my feet arch properly.
I walked around barefooted & went slap slap slap everywhere I went.
Mine make fart noises on hard floors…
“It was my feet, I swear! Trust me… you’d know if it wasn’t!”

I actually just got new orthotics a few weeks ago! Honestly, I like my old ones better…

ALSO, they have found that ASD folks are bendier than average. I’m guess it has something to do with that… I know I have hEDS. Not sure if that’s a contributing factor to the ASD.
My mom accused me of flat feet. So l had to wear saddle shoes. But l took a lot of ballet as a young person. Then l went to high end athletic store, and they measured my weight distributed by way of my feet stance, did a heat image pic and my weight is distributed all on the outside of my foot. Maybe the flat foot curse is gone. But saddle shoes were so ugly.
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I have very high arches. I was allowed to run around barefoof as a kid. Do you think that has anything to do with my arches?
I don't but my grandpa's obviously on the spectrum and he does.

How common are flat feet anyway? Just in general.
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i also have hammer toes and flat feet myself and my bf have the same kind of feet and we are both on the spectrum and i also wonder if people on the spectrum have it he has beautiful feet and i love him very much and i also have a different shaped bone in my right foot that i was born with
i also have a sore foot my right foot gets really sore when im on my right foot all day i know how my bf feels its his left foot and its my right foot
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I thought about sergury before but its not worth it id be out of work on a scooter for 6 months each foot its not worth it.
My parents said I had flat feet when I was in grade school and took me to a foot specialist
who created special made shoes.
They were ugly reddish brown oxfords. Had to wear them to school.
I always loved going barefoot until I developed neuropathy about 8 yrs ago.
Now I can't stand to walk barefoot.

I've developed a hammertoe from having to curl my toes to keep my balance because of the neuropathy.
I have high arches, but I was unaware of hammertoe. My fourth toes on each foot look a little crooked though I have never been diagnosed as having such.
I thought about sergury before but its not worth it id be out of work on a scooter for 6 months each foot its not worth it.

i also thought about surgery on my right foot but i probably wouldnt be able to walk on it either it wouldnt be worth it, and i was told by the surgeon that i had a different shaped vervendicular bone in my right foot that i was born with and that as i got older i wouldnt be able to walk on my right foot

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