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Hannah Gadsby article (re: autism)

Being a visual thinker myself, I thought the way she described her thinking process was great and that she described the thinking process better than I've ever seen it described and certainly better than I could have described it for myself. I also think it's great that she's in such a successful position in her field being autistic.

I also like that I'm able to think those things about her which are positive even though at the same time her brand of comedy doesn't do much for me. I don't think she's very funny, but that's ok.
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Saw the article this morning, shared it to my FB feed because it was AWESOME and says so much that I say about the welfare system. I like her as a performer and enjoyed this article so much!
I just read that article this morning! I'm also a visual thinker and thought she described it very well. I watched Nanette and thought it was funny, although I don't remember it anymore since it's been a few years lol
I was just reading the article and I relate to her experience very well. Especially whrn she describes how some of her own experience is not understandable "I can be upset and not know it". Me too.
I was just reading the article and I relate to her experience very well. Especially whrn she describes how some of her own experience is not understandable "I can be upset and not know it". Me too.
It’s so relatable to me too!

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