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Happy Autism Awareness Day from Thailand

I liked your FB post. Happy Autism Awareness Day!

One thing that I enjoy about my interests is a curiosity about the world, though the issues that crop up with travel still create anxiety at times. I will be traveling to Thailand this April 14, my first time, and look forward to it. I've lined up cooking lessons and want to see the ancient capitol of Ayutthaya and have been reading a little of the national epic started by Rama l and hope to see some of the murals from it in the temple of the Emerald Buddah. Plus, I enjoy markets whever I go and plan to visit the Chatuchak Weekend Market. I plan to learn a lot.
Welcome! Happy Autisim Awareness Day to you as well.

(Does anyone else think that Autisim Day on April 2nd is slighty ironic since April 1st is All Fools Day? :p)
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