Although I understand the context and perspective presented in this piece, these words are: (1) part of the modern literary and conversational vernacular, (2) words can have different intent and meaning,...context and perspective is key, and (3) there isn't enough "wokeness" in this world to change things tomorrow, next month, next year,...but perhaps in 10 or 20 years.
I am not defending the use of "ableist" vocabulary, but as someone in my 50's,'s been a part of my vernacular for as long as I have been speaking,... and when said, has nothing, at all with harmful intent,'s an innocent expression,...but recognize that others might not see it that way. I do understand how someone could be insulted by this language if they are sensitive to it. Every once in a blue moon I will hear people using the word "autistic" in a way, that I might take as offensive, but the people using it might not have even thought about it that way. I just don't see myself contemplating every word, running it though my "woke" filter, before opening up my mouth,...I have a hard time speaking as it is without that additional delay.
I do appreciate that we should all be better human beings and think before we say things. I do appreciate that if we are going to do this, we need to have a conversation about it,...but personally, I don't see many changing old habits anytime soon. So, keep up the fight, and be patient with society.