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Has anybody hear about this?

I haven't heard about this, but I'm glad you left him a supportive message. I'm sure he's thankful. :)
That is amazing. I know how he feels to be honest. I work in grocery store. People tell you not to take it personally but you do. I have been cussed at, berated, and screamed at all because they didn't get what they wanted, or I didn't understand what they wanted or in the process of explaining something to the person I said something that didn't go over well. I have been in this mans shoes daily and so I give him a big cyber hug. I have been the same way I will tell my mom and it will bring up as if it was just minutes before. So I too urge people who do have facebook to help him because it hurts really badly when you can't understand why someone would hurt you in that way.

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