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Have you ever experienced "SOCIAL FRUSTRATIONS"?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

What is it like to be "SOCIALLY FRUSTRATED"?

It's just going through rejection and not being excepted into any social activities that you wish to take part in. As I had explained in my YouTube video, I had talked about my personal experience with nightclubs, as much as I loved the music, the disco lights and as much as I wanted to dance my nights away within these environments, my same age peers had avoided me given me invitations to take part and be part of the scene. Since I never in the end had the friends to take me out to these places, through the fear of missing out growing up in the 18-22 year old age group, I had resorted in going out by myself in those wild dangerous environments, my time did run out after I was eventually attacked by other nightclub patrons in the toilets.

Please watch this video since I had tried to make this YouTube upload as creative as possible.
Sorry about your experiences.

I liked the walking portions in the middle of the video - looks like a lovely park.
Sorry about your experiences.

I liked the walking portions in the middle of the video - looks like a lovely park.

I needed the walking portions to try to make my autistic YouTube videos more interesting, especially having this in place for this one video that I did more than 12 months ago explaining my social experiences with my peers back in high school.
When I saw your post title, "Have you ever experienced "Social Frustrations"?

I was going to answer and say yes. But, now I realize that what I thought you meant was not what you really meant.
Yes, I have always felt social frustration, but not in the context of your post.

I have never been in a bar or night club, dance club or any sort of social facility. Instead of being rejected, I think it might be more accurate to say that I was the one rejecting - or perhaps it was mutual.

I guess we are all different, but I never had any interest in bars, night clubs or any such social settings. My social anxiety would be traumatically crippling. Certainly no fun.

But, that's just me.

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