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Hello All


New Member
My name is Alea. I'm 21 and have a list and that list goes; aspergers, depression, anger issues (all diagnosed). I came here for an outlet. I'm trying so hard to adult, and I've also been in a deep denial about having aspergers most of my life thus far. Years ago, I decided I'm not okay with apologizing for something I'll never understand. But now it's finally catching up to me, pretending it isn't there.
Hi Alea :)

welcome to af.png
My name is Alea. I'm 21 and have a list and that list goes; aspergers, depression, anger issues (all diagnosed). I came here for an outlet. I'm trying so hard to adult, and I've also been in a deep denial about having aspergers most of my life thus far. Years ago, I decided I'm not okay with apologizing for something I'll never understand. But now it's finally catching up to me, pretending it isn't there.
Welcome. Here you will find support and answers. Lots of different answers because we are all different, but generally useful.

Pretending you are not autistic in a non autistic world can only end in disaster. I speak from experience. I spent 60 years trying to conform to expectations and failing at it. Then I was diagnosed and my life made sense.

Confusion about the non autistic world (we call them NTs for neurotypicals) is the norm for most, if not all, of us.

Learn about autism/Asperger's and what it does to you. Then at least you can know what to expect and be prepared. This should help with the anger and depression, but they will probably not go away. I am still angry that more than a dozen professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, therapists) missed my autism over a span of 40 years when their job is to notice. I am frustrated and depressed that I am lonely, but now I know why and can handle it better.

Feel free to rant and get your problems out. A lot of people use the forum as a catharsis. I have and usually feel better afterwards.

Best of Luck
Yes, ultimately big issues are better faced than avoided.

Does your name mean anything? I see 'augen' in there. Are you German?

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