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Hello, enchanted forest!


Well-Known Member
Hello, everyone!
My name is Regina, I am 34 and I am not officially diagnosed.

I've been reading this forum for a couple of months now, found a lot of very useful information and atmosphere feels very nice here so now I decided to finally join in.

I just got to know about AS in July, saw it mentioned in some article, looked it up and wow! The world suddenly changed. I was like reading description of myself and everything made so much sense. I took a few tests online and they all indicated a strong possibility of Asperger's or autism. And since then I am reading and reading online all I can find about it.

Of course, I cannot claim that I have it for sure, there is still doubt as I am not diagnosed officially but with every every day passing I am more sure about it. Also my husband, who was pretty sceptical at the beginning, soon admitted that "yeah, what to say, it explains it all". I tried to get the diagnosis but it was a disaster.. Long story short, now, thanks to the incompetency of one doctor, I'm too afraid to try it again... Maybe in some time.

To tell the truth, I was very hesitant at first to sign up here. My husband was telling me I should to do it as here is a lot of people similar to me but I was just afraid. I thought: but what if I'm not really Aspie? And he told me yesterday: "you're so aspie that you're afraid to not be accepted on the forum because you are not aspie enough! so typical!" And soooo, here I am! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
At this moment I have very mixed feelings, like entering into enchanted forest, very excited and full of hopes and a little scared in the same time...

P.S. please, forgive me for all my present and future mistakes, everyone, as English is not my native language. And if my mistake makes you cringe your teeth, feel free to correct me, I won't get offended but I will be grateful :)

P.P.S. sorry for too many words..
Welcome, Regina, to the enchanted forest!

Here you will find aspies of many varieties, all will welcome you into the fold. We also have a smattering of NTs who love our company as much as we love theirs.

Walk with us.
Thank you, Harrison! :) I will happily walk with you and who knows what wonderful things we all will find in this adventure!
Hi Regina. Welcome to AC. You'll find a number of us here who have yet to be formally diagnosed.

Yeah. What to say. It explains it all...;)
Hi Regina. Welcome to AC. You'll find a number of us here who have yet to be formally diagnosed.

Yeah. What to say. It explains it all...;)
Hi, Judge! Thank you! :)

The important thing is to find people close to us, not necessarily physically or geographically, I think.
Hi, Judge! Thank you! :)

The important thing is to find people close to us, not necessarily physically or geographically, I think.

Yeah. It's a big deal to discover we're not alone when it comes to our autism. Something up to now which always made me feel as if I was on the outside looking in.
Yeah. It's a big deal to discover we're not alone when it comes to our autism. Something up to now which always made me feel as if I was on the outside looking in.
True. Imagine my feelings when I just discovered Asperger's! I used to think I was just an alien with memory loss and suddenly I wasn't! There were others like me! Wow.
Hi Ellylldan,

Your story reminds me of myself. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I remember very well the feeling of everything suddenly making sense. Welcome to our enchanted forest. :)

By the way, you have nothing to apologise for, your English is fantastic! I wish I was that fluent in the languages I study! :cool:
Hi Ellylldan,

Your story reminds me of myself. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I remember very well the feeling of everything suddenly making sense. Welcome to our enchanted forest. :)

By the way, you have nothing to apologise for, your English is fantastic! I wish I was that fluent in the languages I study! :cool:
Thank you, Moomingirl! :) I am still discovering new things about myself, something that I never thought was there, that I just never noticed. I am so much analysing in this period, myself, my limits, my possibilities. And it's so interesting!
Hi, Regina. I'm a little late in my greeting, but wanted to officially welcome you to the forum. I'm self-diagnosed too, but have been thinking of going for the formal diagnosis. This is a very accepting place. Glad you found us!
Oooh, I'm so excited that I'm actually talking to people that I can't sleep. My mind just won't stop. Thank you, everyone, for accepting me here! Me happy! ♡(ू•‧̫•ू⑅)
Hi, Regina. I'm a little late in my greeting, but wanted to officially welcome you to the forum. I'm self-diagnosed too, but have been thinking of going for the formal diagnosis. This is a very accepting place. Glad you found us!
Thank you, Cali Cat!! I am so glad I found this forum and today got brave enough to write here! I surely will always remember this day. :)
Welcome :)

You'll find a great deal of us who are self-diagnosed still, so don't feel too concerned. I'm sure you've noticed our memebrs are rather friendly, and supportive, so I hope you're feeling right at home.

I recommend paying a visist to our resources section:
Autism & Asperger's Resources | AspiesCentral.com

I also like to recommend this book. It accurately describes many of the traits, which can be found in women, and aren't always typical to the male Aspie stereotype. It's also an excellent survival guide: Aspergirls: Empowering Females With Asperger Syndrome | AspiesCentral.com
Hi, Vanilla :) Thank you! I am feeling so good here as I haven't felt for a long time. Yesterday I got overexcited, need to be careful with that though, excessive emotions make me susceptible to my inner demons.. :sweatsmile: It's okay now, I'm more calm and just feel like smiling a lot :)

Thanks for the links, I already got Aspergirls and am currently reading it (and quoting to my husband all the time, hehe), it's been very helpful in understanding some things. I will have a look at the other resources as well.
My mind just won't stop.

Yup. Just another trait many of us share here.

Waking up isn't often pleasant for me. Mentally speaking I often feel like a hard drive turning on, where a flood of data enters my mind very quickly. And where shutting down can take awhile...:eek:

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