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Hello everyone. Check out my Artist support community.

Is this for mostly just original characters? Seems like the art section of this forum is quite a lot larger and imposes less limits on creativity, so I'm wondering what the incentive is for people from here to post their art over there :emojiconfused:.

With that said, I hope your community blossoms into something wonderful nonetheless! I'd be interested in checking it out from time to time as it grows in size, although unfortunately nothing I make would fit into the constraints :D.

Also, being a fellow redditor, I may join just to see what's going on over there from time to time. I love seeing small communities gain a larger following, and if I can contribute to that part of it in any way, I'd be delighted to be along for the ride -- lurker edition, of course!
Is this for mostly just original characters? Seems like the art section of this forum is quite a lot larger and imposes less limits on creativity, so I'm wondering what the incentive is for people from here to post their art over there :emojiconfused:.

With that said, I hope your community blossoms into something wonderful nonetheless! I'd be interested in checking it out from time to time as it grows in size, although unfortunately nothing I make would fit into the constraints :D.

Also, being a fellow redditor, I may join just to see what's going on over there from time to time. I love seeing small communities gain a larger following, and if I can contribute to that part of it in any way, I'd be delighted to be along for the ride -- lurker edition, of course!
yeah, it is. It's supposed to showcase an artists' vision and help then gain support.

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