I'm a 22 year old aspie (yes I know the term isn't in use anymore I'm still using it)
I was abused by the system and was refused an education , I've heard stories about how this was in other states though where I was I have post traumatic just remembering special education just from how bad it was...
They didn't recognize my Dyscalculia as a disability and thought it was fake
I wasn't taught during school hours
I Feel like a second class citizen and often cry myself too sleep...
I feel like a Jew during the Holocaust (sorry if thats offensive ig more accurate is one of us during aktion t4)
I'm crying while writing this , Disability rights had something filed with our family and nothing came of it..
I'm just tired of the abuse...
Often I wish I could kill myself , I just want a way out of this nightmare.. have any of you experienced this systemic abuse I have , and often people try to excuse how there about to say your whinning or complaining or moping in self pity.. it makes me so mad... like telling a black guy during jim crow he is just "having a hard time" my dad often told of these people...
I was abused by the system and was refused an education , I've heard stories about how this was in other states though where I was I have post traumatic just remembering special education just from how bad it was...
They didn't recognize my Dyscalculia as a disability and thought it was fake
I wasn't taught during school hours
I Feel like a second class citizen and often cry myself too sleep...
I feel like a Jew during the Holocaust (sorry if thats offensive ig more accurate is one of us during aktion t4)
I'm crying while writing this , Disability rights had something filed with our family and nothing came of it..
I'm just tired of the abuse...
Often I wish I could kill myself , I just want a way out of this nightmare.. have any of you experienced this systemic abuse I have , and often people try to excuse how there about to say your whinning or complaining or moping in self pity.. it makes me so mad... like telling a black guy during jim crow he is just "having a hard time" my dad often told of these people...