Benevolent Fiend
Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I am new to this site, but not so much new to having Asperger Syndrome. I am 24 years old and was officially diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome just before I turned 18, some 18th birthday pressie huh? Well, after failing miserably on trying to make new friends on other forums, I thought I'd try to make some new friends on a site/forum full of people who UNDERSTAND what it's like to have my disability and who won't judge me for it! Well, I'm fairly laid-back, easy-going, nice and friendly, I just find it hard to make friends, and even when I do, I find it even harder to keep them. So if you want to ask me anything (as long as the questions remain tasteful and within the site rules) or just say hi and chat, please feel free to post here or to PM me.