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Hello Everyone!


Well-Known Member
I’m Daisy and I was diagnosed with autism last year in October. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know before. This diagnosis helped me understand myself and how we all can relate to each other through are own experiences. I am nervous to introduce myself even though it’s online. I hope everyone has a great day and I wish everyone the best.
Welcome Daisy. I hope you enjoy these forums and I look forward to you sharing some of your experiences with us.
welcome to af.png
Hi Daisy Rose ( what a pretty name).

It is true, that diagnosis or even, realising that we could be on the spectrum, certainly does help to understand ourselves. I know that happened with me. Kind of: ah, so that is what is happening?!

Welcome to this amazing forum.
@DaisyRose , we all have had to deal with our Autism one way or another and it sounds that you are ahead of the curve. There are both good and bad experiences and I hope you will learn to use the good to your advantage. For me, it was an ability to understand correlation, uncertainty and probability along with genetics. All of that came handy in my career, but it came at the cost of not understanding the social. Welcome. You will find a variety of experiences here.
Hi and welcome. I hope you enjoy it here and find it useful and supportive. I only learn about myself every other day now. Just to top up... ;-)

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