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hello, I'm new here


New Member

I only recently joined this forum. For most of my life I have felt alienated from others and wider society. I was diagnosed with aspersers syndrome at a young age, but I did not begin to investigate the condition until my late teens.

I am looking to talk with other autistic people and join a community of autistic people on this site.

I also joined this site to seek advice as, outside of strong grades in university I feel as though, I have achieved little of note in my life.

In terms of interests, I like reading (science fiction some literary fiction and non-fiction) watching films and looking up information on various topics on the internet.

note I hope the expression of this post is not overly awkward, as I also have dyslexia.
Hello, I'm going to answer more in the context of listing for your comment, so here we go.

1. Welcome to the forums, we are all here to help you get to know yourself better. Yes, I'm recently diagnosed and know what it is to be the outcast of the outcasts.
2. I think there are a good many of us that feel we have not achieved much of note but when you add it up, it amounts to a lot. Keep your chin up, we are all going somewhere and you are where you need to be right now. Trust that and you'll go far.
3. I too like reading a lot of those too as long as they don't drone on forever describing about the inner workings of the transport beam or the teleporter, though for techies, that could be of interest. To me, I rather Action, Science Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, some Non-Fiction (Auschwitz is a really interesting but extremely heavy reading), so you're in good hands as ther are people here with like interests with you.
4. Last but not least, you made a lot of sense. That is something I found here in this forum. I don't have to really worry if I'm coming across clearly or having people "read between the lines". There are times I'm extremely blunt and painfully honest, but it is who I am.

I do hope that you gain a lot from this and that you feel welcome most of all. You're amongst good friends and those that actually do care about your thoughts and such. You just do you and I'm sure you'll find your niche.
Welcome Searching97!

There is so much to learn about yourself and this is a great place to talk about most anything.
I never had friends and was a geeky outcast in school.

I am 63, but, age doesn't matter. I love learning in my special interests even now.
Diagnosis didn't happen until I was in my 50's. But, then everything fell into place as to why
my life had been the way it was.

This is my socializing place to be at the end of the day!
Hope you enjoy it here too.

I only recently joined this forum. For most of my life I have felt alienated from others and wider society. I was diagnosed with aspersers syndrome at a young age, but I did not begin to investigate the condition until my late teens.

I am looking to talk with other autistic people and join a community of autistic people on this site.

I also joined this site to seek advice as, outside of strong grades in university I feel as though, I have achieved little of note in my life.

In terms of interests, I like reading (science fiction some literary fiction and non-fiction) watching films and looking up information on various topics on the internet.

note I hope the expression of this post is not overly awkward, as I also have dyslexia.
An interesting book to read could be Hasidic tales of the Holocaust the Hasidic sect took an unusual attitude for a lot of jews .
Welcome @Searching97

Glad to have you with us on the Forums.
Do hang out a while, read some of the older threads, chip in with the current threads.
Hi and welcome, I hope that you enjoy it here. Your post was really clear, and anyway we aren't here to critique each others spelling or clarity, hopefully. Wow I don't think I achieved a lot by age 21, yet in another way, looking back I suppose I did, as I coped with my family and managed to leave home and go to uni, and got my degree. Sounds like you have done all that, plus got better grades! Check out the resources here, and say what you think in the discussions, glad to have you here.


Have you considered academia as a career perhaps? It can be challenging, but for some, it allows them to be themselves more.

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