Well-Known Member
My name is Mark. For several months I have been researching into Aspergers to help provide myself with a self-diagnosis. Many times before, I shrugged off the possibility of having Aspergers due to my own misconceptions of what Aspergers actually was. This all changed a few months back when my little niece mentioned that her cousin (my older niece) had Aspergers. It was very surprising to me since I thought of her as a fairly normal teenager/young adult - maybe somewhat reserved, but not too much unlike myself. With this newfound revelation, I began looking into Aspergers a bit deeper and realized just how much of these Autistic traits resonate with me. At this point I am nearly certain beyond a shadow of doubt that I have Aspergers. I would definitely consider myself a higher functioning Aspie, but nonetheless, I feel that too many Aspergers traits hold true for me to not have this disorder. In a way, it's kind of a relief to have this knowledge. Hopefully, I will better manage my life, work and relationships now that I know why I tend to behave the way I do. This forum has been immensely helpful to me in my quest for knowledge and I thank all of you for your contributions!