Kwickyfeet Icypaws
New Member
I'm new here. I've no diagnosis so maybe I don't belong. I do computer stuff for a living. Fascinating and unique, I know.
I'm an adult, and I've struggled with a string of spectacular social failures all my life, but something makes me keep trying to figure it all out. I think sometimes my body chemistry is just right and my frontal lobe fires on all cylinders and I successfully fake being interesting and NT, so I get a glimpse of what could be. It doesn't last long tho.
I've learned strategies and pitfalls along the way. People tell me I'm funny, that's good. But if you over-rely on funny you become a funny-try-hard, that's Bad.
I guess I am somewhat handsome in a conventional way, that's good. We tend to be poor at judging such things for ourselves tho, and even if I'm right it does nothing for you if you can't figure out how to talk about the weather or make the right amount of eye contact, for example. That's Bad.
I used to eat for comfort, with a predictable result. Don't do that - that's Bad. I've got a handle on it and recovery (as a lifestyle) is well underway. Good times.
And so on.
It's a puzzle. Perhaps you have some pieces or see some fits you can share. Or maybe the final product isn't worth assembling. I'm curious about what others are going through.
I'm an adult, and I've struggled with a string of spectacular social failures all my life, but something makes me keep trying to figure it all out. I think sometimes my body chemistry is just right and my frontal lobe fires on all cylinders and I successfully fake being interesting and NT, so I get a glimpse of what could be. It doesn't last long tho.
I've learned strategies and pitfalls along the way. People tell me I'm funny, that's good. But if you over-rely on funny you become a funny-try-hard, that's Bad.
I guess I am somewhat handsome in a conventional way, that's good. We tend to be poor at judging such things for ourselves tho, and even if I'm right it does nothing for you if you can't figure out how to talk about the weather or make the right amount of eye contact, for example. That's Bad.
I used to eat for comfort, with a predictable result. Don't do that - that's Bad. I've got a handle on it and recovery (as a lifestyle) is well underway. Good times.
And so on.
It's a puzzle. Perhaps you have some pieces or see some fits you can share. Or maybe the final product isn't worth assembling. I'm curious about what others are going through.