I've always tried to fly under the radar. I won't pretend I did in highschool or after but come a couple years ago I became one of the most consistently charming first dates out there.
I still suck at approaching women in clubs though, although I wager if I practiced more, I'd get pretty good at that too . I just hate going cold into bars.
Anyhow - here's the juicy stuff. This woman I'd been chasing for years - finally really making progress with over the past few months - admitted in pretty much detail to being a psychopath/sociopath -
Something along those lines. I always kind of knew. It was an interesting back and forth...
But I guess what I'm getting at is I felt like a hole was opening up in the world and just dragging me into this big abyss
American Psycho is one of my favorite books. I know the sociopath playbook. I'm sorta dating a different self professed psychopath right now - difference is I don't care too much about her.
I feel like I'm on this weird island where I can't relate to empaths or most neurotypicals. I can pretend. I can charm them but I just feel nothing real.
When they love me or fall for me or chase me I just snicker at them for being dumb, take it far as I can, bearing no major social repreccusions and end it when it becomes too overbearing for me.
But I'm not sure I'm a sociopath, not even sure this girl is quite a full on one - given her weird ASD anime obsession span - or her alcoholism and depression.
I don't really know 100% how depression works with sociopaths. I read up a ton last night. I'd always been drawn to the topic, but this time I went deep into the sociopathic mind.
It was intriguing but I felt at times like I was gasping up for breath in this drowning ocean.
I'm a writer on the cusp of getting published. I have literary and genre cross over skill, but sometimes I wonder if life is ever gonna be anything more than masks and pain.
I can't completely just cut this gal out like every sight says either. I've lost friends like crazy over the past few months.
I've been going through an artistic and intellectual Renaissance but the pain that goes with knowing for certain that I'm in love with something hopeless - it gets to me.
I've lost a lot of friends lately - ones I'd known for years - be it growing too far apart or them seeing I'm no good - two girls that were right on the cusp of cheating on their nice sweet imperfect bfs. Two girls that would have not slipped away if I had lied a little more and pushed my guilt aside a little more, and hadn't relented from them when I thought I was going to catch that psychopath girl I mentioned.
And I'm searching for a way out but I don't know how. I've never really been happy but the happiest point of my life was when my parents were separated and I had a nice place to throw parties, cook for people, have one night stands, and play socialite.
Now - I'm on my own and have no guests after 11 (12 on weekends) just one guest.
I've had to kick people out before it could finish going somewhere. I've had to turn people away at the door.
My vapid escape valves have been clogged. I'm in SF. I'm not a good coder. My only real hope is hoping one of my books draws some bank. That I carve a niche for myself that will let me get back to my still depressing life of vapid pleasantries
So that's my big whirlpool ASD rant. I'm sick of all my masks and sociopaths and pushing people away and not trusting and being let down and being bored by other people and letting them down.
To quote the last line of American Psycho - this is not an exit
I've always tried to fly under the radar. I won't pretend I did in highschool or after but come a couple years ago I became one of the most consistently charming first dates out there.
I still suck at approaching women in clubs though, although I wager if I practiced more, I'd get pretty good at that too . I just hate going cold into bars.
Anyhow - here's the juicy stuff. This woman I'd been chasing for years - finally really making progress with over the past few months - admitted in pretty much detail to being a psychopath/sociopath -
Something along those lines. I always kind of knew. It was an interesting back and forth...
But I guess what I'm getting at is I felt like a hole was opening up in the world and just dragging me into this big abyss
American Psycho is one of my favorite books. I know the sociopath playbook. I'm sorta dating a different self professed psychopath right now - difference is I don't care too much about her.
I feel like I'm on this weird island where I can't relate to empaths or most neurotypicals. I can pretend. I can charm them but I just feel nothing real.
When they love me or fall for me or chase me I just snicker at them for being dumb, take it far as I can, bearing no major social repreccusions and end it when it becomes too overbearing for me.
But I'm not sure I'm a sociopath, not even sure this girl is quite a full on one - given her weird ASD anime obsession span - or her alcoholism and depression.
I don't really know 100% how depression works with sociopaths. I read up a ton last night. I'd always been drawn to the topic, but this time I went deep into the sociopathic mind.
It was intriguing but I felt at times like I was gasping up for breath in this drowning ocean.
I'm a writer on the cusp of getting published. I have literary and genre cross over skill, but sometimes I wonder if life is ever gonna be anything more than masks and pain.
I can't completely just cut this gal out like every sight says either. I've lost friends like crazy over the past few months.
I've been going through an artistic and intellectual Renaissance but the pain that goes with knowing for certain that I'm in love with something hopeless - it gets to me.
I've lost a lot of friends lately - ones I'd known for years - be it growing too far apart or them seeing I'm no good - two girls that were right on the cusp of cheating on their nice sweet imperfect bfs. Two girls that would have not slipped away if I had lied a little more and pushed my guilt aside a little more, and hadn't relented from them when I thought I was going to catch that psychopath girl I mentioned.
And I'm searching for a way out but I don't know how. I've never really been happy but the happiest point of my life was when my parents were separated and I had a nice place to throw parties, cook for people, have one night stands, and play socialite.
Now - I'm on my own and have no guests after 11 (12 on weekends) just one guest.
I've had to kick people out before it could finish going somewhere. I've had to turn people away at the door.
My vapid escape valves have been clogged. I'm in SF. I'm not a good coder. My only real hope is hoping one of my books draws some bank. That I carve a niche for myself that will let me get back to my still depressing life of vapid pleasantries
So that's my big whirlpool ASD rant. I'm sick of all my masks and sociopaths and pushing people away and not trusting and being let down and being bored by other people and letting them down.
To quote the last line of American Psycho - this is not an exit
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