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New Member

I am an undergraduate student at University in the United Kingdom. I am completing my final year and in order to complete my study I am required to undertake some research. I have chosen to research autism, and I am looking for parents who have a child with autism in the United Kingdom. I just wanted to say hello to you all first and kindly ask if anybody would participate in my questionnaire. The average duration of completion of the questionnaire is between 10-20 minuets. I would be extremely grateful for anybody who participates, but please do not feel obliged as it is completely your choice whether you want to or not.

Thank you for reading this thread and I look forward to reading your responses.

This is the link to the questionnaire. Thank you.

P.S. all participation is anonymous, and all the information is presented at the beginning page of the questionnaire. However, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me/ contact me.
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