Everyone is unique including everyone on the autistic spectrum, so I can only be vague with my advice. A child would need patience, as much understanding as possible and above all a lot of unconditional love (an autistic child my not appear to show love back, but it will be appreciated deep inside). It's great that you are here learning as much as you can, it's also well worth reading and watching as much about the condition as possible. I don't know whether your child is on the lower or higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum, but either way it will still be challenging for you (even experts may not be totally sure with a very young child as they thought I was lower end at first until I suddenly started talking better and made massive improvements, I kept many autistic traits however even as an adult). If your child does have "meltdowns" (which will often appear to be a kind of tantrum), then the more you understand about why they happen the better in order to reduce them, try to learn how to control them as best possible too and try not to get too angry as it's won't really be your child's fault (this is partly where patience comes in). If/when your child develops a special interest support him or her as long as it's a safe and acceptable activity, this could become very productive and it will keep your a lot child happier as long as this isn't taken away from them. When your child gets older watch out and protect them as much as possible from potential bullies, sadly most autistic children are vulnerable and more prone to being bullied (I know from experience).
I am personally against prescribing drugs to calm autistic children down as although they may initially be more controllable your child will be seriously repressed and won't be fully conscious of the world, this also won't help in the long term and in my opinion can cause long term adverse effects, please try to avoid if possible as in my opinion far too many medical experts prescribe antidespressants and/or antipsychotics as a "quick fix" even for children.
Finally seek as much support as you can available.
Welcome to ASPIESCentral!
PS: I was one of 3 brothers who were born autistic, I became on the higher functioning end of the spectrum as I grew up, but was still a lot to handle as a child, while my brothers have remained on the lower end of the spectrum even as adults (they can't count or tell the time for instance). It might not have been easy, but my parents coped with all 3 of us in the 1970s which was a time when there was a lot less support and education available. My now elderly parents are still caring for my 2 very autistic brothers.