New Member
Hello Everyone,
I've never actually created a profile for any forum before...usually just a lurker. The reason I'm breaking my rule now is that I've self diagnosed with Asperger's this week and has been a bit disorienting. The last several years have brought more and more self awareness for me which has been painful. It's like I've woken up to myself at 30. I have a wife and three kids and a career in a field I'm not interested in that was strongly suggested to me by others. Honestly, it's like I'm living someone else's life. It's a life that others would probably envy, but I'm having trouble holding it all together. I'm sick of seeing that look on everyone else's face when I'm melting down (or shutting down) because I can't take it. It's that wide-eyed look of withholding love/acceptance...until I can get the crack in my mask repaired and I seem normal enough again. The problem is, I think I'm realizing, that no one around me (including myself to a large extent) knows who I am, and have never seen me without the mask. It's really just incredibly disorienting to my sense of self.
If it's not some form of Autism, I'm really at a loss. I've been in and out of therapy and have been trying on different worldviews over the last few years. I would really like to make peace with myself, as the saying goes, although I'm not sure I know what that means. I'm terrified that I won't be able to support this persona much longer and my career and family will come crashing down and I'll "end up living under a bridge" as my father would say when he was trying to motivate me to do my homework. Suicide has never been a major thought for me...early on because I was too self-unaware and cowardly, and now because I have three young boys depending on me (and I'm still a coward). I love them and have some kind of internal drive to not hurt them. Add to that my Protestant fear of eternal conscious torment, and...yeah...
I'm not sure I've connected with many (maybe not any) people in a truly "it's good to be me here with you" sense. Except my kids...they seem to love me unconditionally. If I could just figure out how to hold it together believably long enough to give them a good start in the world...but how can I do this if I'm basically faking everything? I don't know.
If you've read this far, I thank you. I'm not sure what I'm looking for or if I'll find it here, but I appreciate some of the things I've read here so far. I guess I'm just reaching out because this is the next thing to do.
Not sure if any of that makes sense, but thanks for reading.
I've never actually created a profile for any forum before...usually just a lurker. The reason I'm breaking my rule now is that I've self diagnosed with Asperger's this week and has been a bit disorienting. The last several years have brought more and more self awareness for me which has been painful. It's like I've woken up to myself at 30. I have a wife and three kids and a career in a field I'm not interested in that was strongly suggested to me by others. Honestly, it's like I'm living someone else's life. It's a life that others would probably envy, but I'm having trouble holding it all together. I'm sick of seeing that look on everyone else's face when I'm melting down (or shutting down) because I can't take it. It's that wide-eyed look of withholding love/acceptance...until I can get the crack in my mask repaired and I seem normal enough again. The problem is, I think I'm realizing, that no one around me (including myself to a large extent) knows who I am, and have never seen me without the mask. It's really just incredibly disorienting to my sense of self.
If it's not some form of Autism, I'm really at a loss. I've been in and out of therapy and have been trying on different worldviews over the last few years. I would really like to make peace with myself, as the saying goes, although I'm not sure I know what that means. I'm terrified that I won't be able to support this persona much longer and my career and family will come crashing down and I'll "end up living under a bridge" as my father would say when he was trying to motivate me to do my homework. Suicide has never been a major thought for me...early on because I was too self-unaware and cowardly, and now because I have three young boys depending on me (and I'm still a coward). I love them and have some kind of internal drive to not hurt them. Add to that my Protestant fear of eternal conscious torment, and...yeah...
I'm not sure I've connected with many (maybe not any) people in a truly "it's good to be me here with you" sense. Except my kids...they seem to love me unconditionally. If I could just figure out how to hold it together believably long enough to give them a good start in the world...but how can I do this if I'm basically faking everything? I don't know.
If you've read this far, I thank you. I'm not sure what I'm looking for or if I'll find it here, but I appreciate some of the things I've read here so far. I guess I'm just reaching out because this is the next thing to do.
Not sure if any of that makes sense, but thanks for reading.