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Apprentice Person
Hi Everyone.

I've recently been considering autism for myself. It feels like the more I learn the more I feel like everything finally makes sense. I need help with social skills and managing burnout. I took 18 months off work. I've been back to work for two years now and its gotten easier but by no means has gotten easy. I'm exhausted. I get home from work on Friday and collapse until Monday. It's basically all I can do to get to work each day in clean clothes. I have no friends or family for a few years now. That has been hard but the last maybe six months I have grown a lot and learned to accept my situation and adjust my thinking a little and to find (new) ways of looking forward to the life I want.

Assuming I can pull myself together I have some pretty exciting adventures planned for this summer and I can't wait to get started. I'm interested to hang out here and see if I can get along. I was on another general mental health form for a while but there wasn't really any discussion about autism. I've been reading the traffic here for a few days and I think the topics discussed here are a little more tailored to my needs.

Thanks in advance for all the insight you all are about to give me.
welcome to af.png

Assuming I can pull myself together I have some pretty exciting adventures planned for this summer and I can't wait to get started.
Why not go with the assumption of success? Sounds good to me. Having things we are looking forward to seems really important as a motivator for me.

Is there the possibility of breaking up your work week (maybe over six days), or working fewer hours, and seeing if that might be less stressful for you?

Why not go with the assumption of success? Sounds good to me. Having things we are looking forward to seems really important as a motivator for me.
I understand your point. I was concerned when writing that post that it would seem like that. Giving myself too big a task and then not completing it is something I excel at. Something I’m trying to change. It feels like toxic positivity to me if I assume success.

My big adventure was supposed to happen last year. I have had a tough time getting back on my feet and didn’t accomplish as much as I hoped. Although I was able to get some work on it done last year. It felt good to get done what I did. I intend to create a thread about my special interest later. I’m excited to post about it because I see others here share that interest.

Is there the possibility of breaking up your work week (maybe over six days), or working fewer hours, and seeing if that might be less stressful for you?
learning how to slow down (but still achieve something) is probably my biggest priority right now. I have slowed down a lot. I tried to move into management and it was too much for me. I know what to do. I have the technical knowledge. It was very busy, phone calls and constant emails. It was too much. I’m happier back in the mundane roll ai previously had.

Professionally and financially this is currently about as slow as I can make it at work. I’m 20 years deep into a pension so I’m kinda tied to my job. I will not give up my pension.

I have trouble maintaining a proper self care routine. I feel like I be able to handle the additional stress if I can manage to take better care. Currently the dishwasher is running, I made breakfast and lunch. Thats rare for me. It will definitely help me get through the week.
Hi and welcome. It sounds like you are learning about yourself and making progress. I agree this is a good place where you can likely find others who resonate with you and where discussions may be useful. It does get easier as one gains strategies I think, and when you know some of your limits and can factor those in.

Why not go with the assumption of success? Sounds good to me. Having things we are looking forward to seems really important as a motivator for me.
This has been bothering me since I got here and I need to address it. I do need to be more positive. You offered some encouraging words and I shut you down. I apologize. You are right it’s important to create a future to look forward to. I’m working on it…
This has been bothering me since I got here and I need to address it. I do need to be more positive. You offered some encouraging words and I shut you down. I apologize. You are right it’s important to create a future to look forward to. I’m working on it…
Sorry to hear it's been bothering you. I didn't even mean to try to be telling you what to do... just sort of thinking out loud. And I didn't feel shut down.

Assuming I can pull myself together I have some pretty exciting adventures planned for this summer and I can't wait to get started.
This is very positive! You "can't wait to get started," you are doing it already... you are imagining that future of adventures and alluded to it with us.

Giving myself too big a task and then not completing it is something I excel at.
This is a great point and shows self awareness. I can be exactly the same way, too.

The encouragement remains. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

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