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Greetings everybody! My name is Mika and I live in the great northwest. It rains a lot here, but I like that because it isn't so bright when it rains. I love biology, frogs, cats, neuroscience, forensic science, my family, and Star Trek. It snowed about a half inch yesterday, so this being Portland, everybody acted either like this :bounce: or like this :cold:. They even canceled rehearsal for the Christmas pageant, and that was in the evening when the snow was mostly gone. Ah, I see I have wandered from my topic. Anyway, I am doing well in school this year, and continually resisting the efforts of my younger siblings to get me to stop wearing Tivas (a kind of strappy sandal, for those who don't know) with socks. Honestly, the whole sandals-with-socks ban is completely irrational! I wonder which cognitive bias is responsible. Oh, and by the way, I was diagnosed with Asperger's in fourth grade.
Hey, nice to meet you - I'm new here too. Sandals-with-socks...I wear flipflops with socks - such a cosy combination I think.

Peace out :)
Hi Mika, welcome to aspiescentral. There are a lot of good, supportive people here and I think you will enjoy this site. I know I do!
Yes! The socks keep your feet warm and the sandals keep them from getting too sweaty. Try telling that to my sister, though--she just puts her hand on her forehead and sighs. Nice to meet you, too. I'm impressed--I posted this 20 minutes ago and I've already gotten 2 replies!
Yes! The socks keep your feet warm and the sandals keep them from getting too sweaty. Try telling that to my sister, though--she just puts her hand on her forehead and sighs. Nice to meet you, too. I'm impressed--I posted this 20 minutes ago and I've already gotten 2 replies!

Haha, my sisters think it's pretty strange too :)
Welcome to Aspies Cetral Catgirl. like Blade runner says, I think you will like the forum once you have full access.
Hello, Catgirl! It snowed here (eastern PA) today too. It canceled my weekly horseback riding lesson. :(

But I do love snow, and we haven't had much to speak of in a while, so that's one good thing.

Welcome. :)

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