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New Member
Hi. I'm new here, and not on the spectrum myself (as far as I know, I do get questions occasionally).

I am enrolled in an ASD studies certificate and would like to meet those on the spectrum and their parents.

I'm a tutor and would like to add math for students with ASD to my tutoring repertoire. (Already tutored several and enjoyed it.)

Also, for my course, I need to talk to parents with children with autism who are in/went to college. FFTM.

Tutor Guy
Hi, I retrained as a teacher at age 54 after being an IT guy all my life. While studying about students with special needs I started to read about my own traits. A professional assessment revealed I had aspergers. When I started teaching I had a special rapport with students with autism, one said I was his favourite teacher and he came 3rd in my computer class. Welcome.
Hi, I retrained as a teacher at age 54 after being an IT guy all my life. While studying about students with special needs I started to read about my own traits. A professional assessment revealed I had aspergers. When I started teaching I had a special rapport with students with autism, one said I was his favourite teacher and he came 3rd in my computer class. Welcome.

I have been questioned so many times if I am on the spectrum. I have MH diagnoses so I have been thinking my differences are entirely due to that, but maybe the question of my own diagnosis is worth looking into.

And thank-you.
Hi and welcome to the forums. There's a wealth of information in here for you to digest and most of us are happy to answer any questions you might have.

I am enrolled in an ASD studies certificate and would like to meet those on the spectrum and their parents.
Just thought I should point out, this forum is for autistic people, mostly adults, and not specifically for the parents of autistic children, although all are welcome. In fact it's one of the very few resources in the world that caters to autistic adults, almost everything else is all about the parents.
Hi and welcome to the forums. There's a wealth of information in here for you to digest and most of us are happy to answer any questions you might have.

Just thought I should point out, this forum is for autistic people, mostly adults, and not specifically for the parents of autistic children, although all are welcome. In fact it's one of the very few resources in the world that caters to autistic adults, almost everything else is all about the parents.
Thanks for pointing that out!!!

I'm sure I'll have questions for the autistic adults at some point.

I do tutor mostly high school & college.

I do tutor mostly high school & college.
This site might be of interest to you. My state of South Australia recently introduced a system of Autism Inclusion Teachers in to the public school system. These teachers are not there to assist students, their role is to instruct teachers on how to best react and respond to autistic students. So far feedback from parents has been very positive.

Improving support for autistic students

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