I'm Elle and I got officially diagnosed with Aspergers a few days before my 24th birthday, (about 2 weeks ago). I'm still kind of lost and confused and don't exactly have a lot of people in my life to talk to about this stuff I guess. Its been a insane ride to get to this point, I was undiagnosed and misdiagnosed for years. I was an early start kid, reading at age 3, writing books at age 6, gifted program etc, but never really ever had friends... and certainly not many who stick around. I got misgianosed with Bipolar disorder at 18. At 22 I was diagnosed ADHD and Generalized Anxiety disorder. I had to switch to a new doctor and was looking into maybe joining and anxiety group. I was surprised to find she specializes in Autism research, and she told me I needed further testing but she already could tell I had some form of Autism. Testing confirmed it, backed with the fact that my dad and sister also have Aspergers, something I never really knew or recognized I guess. I'm highly detail oriented/obsessed, which is my biggest issue. I forget to sleep, sometimes forget to eat, and my instable schedule drives me insane. I'm infamous for temper tantrums and panic attacks over getting dressed, or leaving the house, so I'm finding myself missing class a lot. Its my first year back in college since I was 20, and this is making me miserable. The more days I spend out of class, the harder it is to go back. Its a never ending cycle of disorder. I can't ever focus or use time productively. My best example is making flashcards... I once spent 10 hours making flashcards and never looked at them again. Details control me. I also suffer with social problems, so group projects scare me, study groups... all of it is terrifying. I also have "tics" or "stims," (not sure what to call them anymore) involving hand/finger movements as well as touching my skin, that the doctor pointed out, and now that I notice them, its gotten worse. I'm just going insane, a 4.0 GPA student who cant seem to get out from underneath my out of control Aspergers. I'm supposed to start in some group sessions soon, so hopefully I can learn some coping skills. Anyone else diagnosed in adulthood and have problems adjusting/understanding? I could really use any advice you have!