My son was diagnosed with asbergers at 12 just last year. Ever since he was little i knew something was wrong but teachers and family kept saying no hes fine. Finally took him to a specialist for testing. They said aspergers but of course they dont call it that anymore. Ever since its been a nightmare trying to get help. School refused to help in any way, school consular give me a long lecture on how i shouldn't label a child. Sounded strait out of a text book. The consular who gave out IEP's just said if i even knew what one was. Um Yea i do. They said he doesnt need one all i need to do is help him at home, which i already do. I now home school him and so far everything is going great. The physiologists ive been trying to find him are a nightmare. Every psychologist just wants to know why i labeled him and wants to find out how bad a parent i am. I finally found one who is willing to focus on my son and not me as a parent. Note to psychologist if my son was labeled as aspergers by a specialist i did not "label" him and it doesnt automatically mean im a bad parent. Any one else have this much of a nightmare?