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Help Finding Good Residential Placement


New Member
I have a typical Aspie son who is quite intelligent but has some mild to moderate behavior issues that he needs to work on in a more intensive environment. He has gone to 2 schools that specialize in HFASD but has been a bit too disruptive. He is not violent, generally just inappropriate. We are looking for residential treatment options. Some places I have considered are:

Telos Academy
Logan River

I live in LA but most of these schools seem to be in Utah for some reason.

After talking to the owner of Logan River I found this site: shutdownloganriver.(dot com)

I was initially excited about Logan River but reading these serious criticisms gave me significant pause about my ability to effectively research any options without independent input.

Does anyone here have experience in this area? Any personal knowledge of the options available? Any resources for independent evaluation of these types of institutions?

Thanks in advance for any input.

I don't personally but, I would suggest asking prospective schools to allow you to speak with staff and students both. If they cannot do that, perhaps they are hiding something.

I would also suggest other private boarding schools, not just Aspie focused ones. I attended San Pasqual Academy in Escondido for two years. The education there is great, and students are give on campus jobs ranging for washing windows to working in the cafeteria or poultry barn. I balked at the religious aspects, and forced Bible classes so, elected to finish my education in public school but, if you or your son would not object to Seventh Day Adventist teaching, classes are smaller, teacher do take time to help individual students, and it is a closed campus boarding school. It may be worth talking to them.

It's a rural setting and, socializing is quite structured, which is a help. The two years I attended were good for me in that I learned a lot academically and, honed my social skills enough to allow me to get along in public school. I will warn you that tuition is on the expensive side, but many of the elite send their children there, so it is geared for those that want the best, and that includes job skills and, social graces - as in, I went in knowing nothing and, by Christmas the first year, I was confident enough with the rules to be one of the student hosts for the holiday banquet - basically one of the ones specifically there to socialize with guest that were not students and, make them feel welcome. That was the beginning of me learning to use social facades when I need them to get along and, get where I want to be in life - a hard but good experience, except for the religious stuff but, even that taught me when to keep my mouth shut even though I thought the teacher was telling me something as fact which was wrong.
Thanks so much for your input. My son is an ardent atheist so I don't think San Pasqual would be a good match, but I do appreciate your suggestion.
Are you sure your son won't grow out of it.. It could be teenage thing like it was with me? Don't do Carlton Palms whatever you do!

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