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Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
I'm asking all of our current members to help us to grow Aspies Central. If you have any friends who are on the spectrum please tell them about the forums by sending them a link. If you are a member of other AS/Autism forums and want to show your support for us, you can put a small link or banner in your forum signature (if allowed to do so).

You can also share threads with other people by using the "email to friend" from the Thread Tools drop-down menu and "share this thread" button. If you have friends added on Facebook who are on the spectrum or if you are a member of AS/Autism related Facebook Groups, feel free to give Aspies Central a mention. Finally, if you have a YouTube channel in which you make videos related to AS/Autism, shout-outs to Aspies Central are appreciated.

With your help, we can make Aspies Central a bigger and better place for all (but not too big of course). :D
done, added to my WP sig. I like it here better, over there a lot of the threads just seem liike the same things on repeat... break out my Attwood opinion form responses and tell them to go read up.
I've already done so many times and in many places, and most of the members here did after all find Aspies Central through the links I've advertised. ;)

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