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Help with diagnosis?


New Member
Hello everyone,
I haven't gone to psychologist, but sometimes I wonder if I could be on the spectrum.
I read some sites on it, did some tests and its usually 50/50, so I am not sure, but probably not. So I am here to ask I someone has similar stories or personality traits.

I am 18 years old. Here's the things I noticed about me.

At primary school, a lot of teachers told me I had my own world, i wasnt focused in lectures (I was thinking about some imaginary scenarios, or something). I had friends, I wasn't outcast, but I never really had high self confidence, so sometimes I was made made fun of, but it wasn't exactly bullying. In the later years (14-15) I wasn't invited very often to celebrations and such, but I was in good terms with all of them. I never obeyed rules and I always wanted to be in good terms with teachers, I had anxiety when I got in troubles (not caused by me). I definitely got better at social skills now.

I will short the list and story because there was COVID, and I will write just what I noticed:
People sometimes say I am slightly different, but they can't describe why.

Never had girlfriend, nor kiss, I had some closer female friends. Kind of got worse now, I am not really close with anyone now, I am also shy. I could have had girlfriend, but usually at the end they picked someone else (doesn't help with confidence). I also can't tell if someone is flirting with me, until later (this is usually normal I think)

I am not the greatest in sports, I prefer solo sports, but I don't mind team sports, but I am usually on the worser side.

I play electric guitar a lot, I practice everyday for 4 years straight. I know a lot of stuff about it. Music is the main part of my life. Played some concerts. I can't really take compliments, or like accept them.

I have friends in class I play games with them and stuff, we have fun. But we are not super close, they don't invite me most of the time somewhere. I don't know why though, I don't drink alcohol very often, but this can't be the only reason.

Sometimes people tell that it's a joke, the stuff they said, that I can laugh, I get it most of the time, but I don't really know what to say.

I sometimes mimic other people's opinions, style of talking, especially if we are not very close

I am also quite absent (don't know the word), I forget things where I left them, I do things clumsy and fast, without reason

I get idioms, but not all the time, I also have some catchphrases, that I say very often, classmates use them now too.

The main reason is, that I passed carschool now and I do a lot of mistakes like turning left when instructor said right, he said that I don't pay much attention sometimes, and much more. It's like I am missing some kind of basic human functions, and it didn't affect me very much until now.

I can't really describe myself, so if you have some questions, it would be better I think.
Thanks in advance
Might I suggest looking into ADD aswell? Not ADHD, but ADD. AD(H)D and Autism have a lot of traits in common but they come from a different place. Because you are still so unsure it might be usefull to look into that aswell.

This image does not represent everything fully and not everyone has every single trait. It is also about adhd instead of add (so not everything will match) But it can make it easy to see the differences. And you can see to which side you think you lean more.
For me, I have a little from both sides. But lean more towards the autistic side.
This image was made for children but I think it works for adults aswell.

Hope it helps.
@toastman I can't say if you could be autistic from your description - it is possible, but like @kenaij suggest I would also recommend that you look into ADHD/ADD as well as autism - there are a significant number that meet the criteria for both diagnosis. And some of the things you describe made me think of ADHD/ADD

When I started my own journey to get a diagnosis I went back and forth between the two (autism and ADD), one day thinking I might be one but not the other - it turned out that it was ADHD and autism I had.

You are doing the right thing now, asking questions and reflecting on why you behave the way you do - and you are in a friendly place here to ask questions :)
I'm not sure if this would be autism.
It sounds like you had friends whole childhood. You maybe just weren't lucky to get a close friend and a girlfriend.
In 18 year olds not drinking unfortunently can be cause for non inviting you.

ADD might be more likely description for poor focus in school and while driving.

And you didn't tell if you have special interests (such intense that you can't resist talking about them in group of people) and repetitive behaviuors/struggling with change.

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