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Here comes the sun :(


It's My Birthday!
Why is it that when you say you prefer overcast, windy weather and really dislike bright sunlight (and, if in the summer, heat), you get looked at and spoken to as if you're some sort of freak? This has always happened to me but this morning, whilst walking my dog, it happened three times in thirty minutes! The first time, the person was a little rude about it. The second led to a friendly discussion about autistic sensory issues, which was nice (more about that below). By the time the third I wanted to explode but managed to stay polite and kept the exchange brief. These were people who I regularly walk my dog with but only the second person knows I'm autistic (not that I hide it, in fact I'm usually very open about it). Oh, and as it's winter, the sun is very low in the sky and far worse than overhead summer sun. Really, I should know better and just nod, agree and move on.

The reverse happens as well. If the day is overcast and very windy (my preferred weather), people will remark how awful it is and get freaked out when I say how I love it. The windier the better, in my opinion. I like it when it's so windy it feels like it's sucking the air from my lungs!

Regarding the second instance's discussion: the person asked if I should wear sunglasses. I explained that, yes I should but 1) executive functioning (poor working memory) means that I generally forget them and 2) I always feel like everyone is looking at me and wondering why he's wearing sunglasses in the winter. Yes, I know it's irrational.

Anyway, I promised person #2 (a very nice lady) that I would make an effort to remember my sunglasses in the future :)

Is there anyone else who loves the wind and hates the sun?
I do like the rain (although not persistent rain in the summer). But I must admit, seeing the sun does brighten my mood. But I see beauty in rain. But I don't like those days where it's just overcast and dull.

I understand people not liking sunshine due to sensory issues though (even though I don't have sensory issues with light).
I do like the rain (although not persistent rain in the summer). But I must admit, seeing the sun does brighten my mood. But I see beauty in rain. But I don't like those days where it's just overcast and dull.

I understand people not liking sunshine due to sensory issues though (even though I don't have sensory issues with light).
I like the idea of the sun and sunny days. It's just the reality I don't like :) I do quite like the rain as well.
I have seasonal affective disorder, so sun is my friend.

However, I LOVE weather changes - a big summer thunderstorm, the cool, the moist, fragrant fall, the blinding white expanse of winter snowfields...

You do you. It's all cool!
One word for you my friend. Iceland.


Windiest inhabited place on earth. Spent a year there. Above is a good day. ;)
One word for you my friend. Iceland.
I know it's not exactly the same but my grandfather was Norwegian and I've always loved the cold and wish I could visit Iceland (sadly not possible). I'm in Cornwall, so the Atlantic winds cut right across us, which is lovely.
I love the warmth of indirect sunlight, but get easily overwhelmed when it is really shining. Twilight is my favorite time because the light is usually muted and more interesting than a glaring orange-ish light. I accept that exposure to sunlight is good for a human's mood, but I feel most relaxed and comfortable on rainy and overcast days.

When I was really struggling with nightmares, most of my worst ones included bright rays of sun shining in my eyes.
I flourish in the cold as well. I prefer a nippy nose and little mittens and scarf. The sound of rain. Fuzzy socks.
Being retired has changed my outlook. Now, 110f days and rain/70mph winds don't bother at all- I'm inside the house!
One day in ND it was 106f with 90+% humidity- felt like I was going crazy- hate humidity!
I relate with you a lot!

I do not like the sun. I hate being out in it. It's way too bright for me, and then on top of that too warm. Generally, a sunny day just makes me straight-up irritable.

You're right that it really does make me feel alien to be this way.

Liking sunshine, warm/hot weather, Spring/Summer is so much the norm and default that I don't think that people even realize how alienating it can be to be on the flip side.

Random people make small talk with me when it's hot and sunny like "It's such a nice day outside, isn't it?" and I feel like even though I vehemently disagree I can't speak it, because it seems like I'd just be making a fuss out of something so minor. It is minor, but it makes me feel like a weirdo. You can't make a fuss out of small talk and yet to disagree with something that people feel is safe to use as small talk certainly makes me feel alien.

Weather forecasters on the TV are just the same. They portray cloudy days as "gloomy" or "dreary" and will say that a sunny day (even if it's in the 80s F or even hotter) is gorgeous, perfect weather.

I love, love cool, cloudy days. I feel so happy and at peace when it's cloudy and cool.

A few weeks ago or so we went through several days in a row without sunshine. I loved it so much but everyone else was like "where's the sun?" I couldn't understand. I can't understand why anyone wants that bright ball of misery out.
I like the weather more when it is cool and kind of still warm, but I hate a climate that is too hot or cold. But my least favourite time of the year is from the middle of May right through July when it is absolutely baking outdoors.

The hay fever and the heat is like, just the worst.
i like autumn in here, not cold or hot, the leaves and all that i like the feel and colors, i like cloudy days and don't tolerate heat, if in not were for AC in summer i would die or something.
I like when it's not too hot and not too cold.
Light rain and partly cloudy is fine. I don't like thunderstorms and humidity.
Live in the wrong place for that, right? Florida.

Evenings and dusk are my favorite times of the day.
Really bright sun does hurt my eyes.
I relate with you a lot!

I do not like the sun. I hate being out in it. It's way too bright for me, and then on top of that too warm. Generally, a sunny day just makes me straight-up irritable.

You're right that it really does make me feel alien to be this way.

Liking sunshine, warm/hot weather, Spring/Summer is so much the norm and default that I don't think that people even realize how alienating it can be to be on the flip side.

Random people make small talk with me when it's hot and sunny like "It's such a nice day outside, isn't it?" and I feel like even though I vehemently disagree I can't speak it, because it seems like I'd just be making a fuss out of something so minor. It is minor, but it makes me feel like a weirdo. You can't make a fuss out of small talk and yet to disagree with something that people feel is safe to use as small talk certainly makes me feel alien.

Weather forecasters on the TV are just the same. They portray cloudy days as "gloomy" or "dreary" and will say that a sunny day (even if it's in the 80s F or even hotter) is gorgeous, perfect weather.

I love, love cool, cloudy days. I feel so happy and at peace when it's cloudy and cool.

A few weeks ago or so we went through several days in a row without sunshine. I loved it so much but everyone else was like "where's the sun?" I couldn't understand. I can't understand why anyone wants that bright ball of misery out.
Absolutely! Love your phrase :)
I can't understand why anyone wants that bright ball of misery out

What's worse than people not understanding when you say that you prefer colder, less sunny weather is that it becomes part of the persona they assign to you. So, from that point on, you are the person who hates the sun and they'll bring it up every single time they see you. On sunny days I get "Oh, I bet you're hating this weather, aren't you!". On cold, overcast days I get "Oh, I bet you love this weather, don't you!". Even if it's raining (and I've never given them my opinion on rain) I still get "Oh, I bet you love this rain, don't you!". It's like it becomes my entire personality to them. all because of small talk. Sigh. I'm waiting for them to start calling me Eeyore... which I may actually like :)

Conversely, I just had a wonderful conversation in the rain with a fellow dog walker about fashion design, autism, sexuality, gender, proms and weddings. Not once was the weather mentioned :)

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